Last week of Aotearoa Bike Challenge – just one ride is all it takes!

  We are in the last week of the Bike Challenge, so if you are thinking about it, now is time to join!  You only need to go for one ride to contribute to our points (we’re currently placed 4th in our business size category) and if you’ve been riding but are yet to register… Read more »

Learner Outreach Project initiative brings student retention resource to Schools

The Learner Outreach Project team was recently established in response to the need for a better understanding of student retention issues and how we can make improvements in this area. The Project group identified that a tailored team of Student Support Advisors, partnered with each School, would provide a more direct support resource for our… Read more »

Coronavirus: Update Friday 21 February 2020

Information sheets on coronavirus With the start of Semester 1 next week and the arrival of thousands of students across both our campuses, we’ll be equipping our Ask Me desk at our Mt Albert campus and Student Central at our Waitākere campus with information sheets on coronavirus. Although there have been no confirmed cases of… Read more »

Felicity Bowden: the friendly face in Te Puna Kararehe

  Felicity Bowden’s face is a familiar one to anyone who has checked out Te Puna Kararehe – our Small Animal Unit, or bought eggs produced by our free-range chickens. As she nears retirement, we caught up with Felicity to reflect on her 15 years at Unitec. Changes in role…and more Felicity has seen changes… Read more »

Coronavirus update: Adjustments to our pōwhiri process

This morning, Glenn Mckay, our Tumu and Executive Director – Student Success, announced some changes to our pōwhiri process during our Welcome Day and Orientation events. You can read his communication here. Previous Coronavirus updates and info published on the Nest: Coronavirus: Update – Monday 17 February 2020 Coronavirus: Update – Monday 10 February 2020… Read more »

Coronavirus: Update Monday 17 February 2020

Further to our earlier posts, we’re continuing to take a precautionary approach to the coronavirus situation in order to safeguard our staff and students, and to ensure the least amount of disruption to studies as possible.  Here are some further updates: > Extension of Travel Restrictions The New Zealand Government announced over the weekend that… Read more »

International Orientation/Welcome Days are underway and O-Week is next!

Welcoming our students – Nau mai, haere mai! Orientation 2020 Orientation is designed to help prepare our students for study at Unitec, so please encourage attendance in any way you can, this is a priority and a great way for them to ‘hit the ground running’ on day one of semester 1! Orientation opens with… Read more »

Aronui-Focus 2020 – Highlights!

  In a true display of takitahi (working/weaving together), MC Nick Sheppard and Matua Hare Paniora opened Tuesday’s Aronui-Focus event together with a moving welcome, in both te reo Māori and English. It set the tone for what was an inspiring and thought-provoking occasion. The theme of the all-staff Aronui-Focus 2020 event was Takitahi: He… Read more »

Care packages making their way to self-isolated students

  Our Student Success and Te Puna Waiora teams are putting care packages together, to support students who are in self-isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak. The more than 30 students, who have all travelled here from China, are following Ministry of Health guidelines by keeping themselves isolated for the mandatory two-week period before starting… Read more »

Coronavirus: Update – Monday 10 February 2020

The Incident Management Team is continuing to meet on a daily basis to monitor, assess and provide recommendations and guidelines to staff and students around the coronavirus situation.  Our International students have raised a number of questions around course deferrals, visas etc, and as soon as we have more information, we’ll update everyone. The Ministry… Read more »