School’s gradfest highlights student achievements and their commitment through 2020

Earlier this month our School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology, gathered with students, their friends and whānau, and staff, to share and celebrate their 2020 achievements, creativity and success! The ‘mini’ gradfest included a poster exhibition and presentations from two Electrical Engineering students and also from a team of Computing students: Treadmill Joystick prototype… Read more »

Our Māori and Pacific Trades Training tauira celebrate their 2020 journey

The recent Māori and Pacific Trades Training (MPTT) graduation event was a celebration of the journey our tauira/students have travelled, as they complete their year’s study at Unitec. MPTT Auckland is a group of training and industry organisations working together to help Māori and Pacific people become leaders in the trades. Unitec has been part… Read more »

“Don’t limit your learning,” says Caroline Malthus as she leaves her 33-year teaching career

The year is 1987 and the Carrington Polytechnic campus is surrounded by farmland – grazing paddocks for horses, cows and sheep – and stone walls. It’s the year Caroline Malthus started teaching here, well before Unitec received its new name in 1994. A well-respected and much-loved teacher, Caroline has recently retired from the profession she’s… Read more »

Trades and Construction Excellence Awards evening celebrates student success and supports kaitiakitanga

Each year our School of Trades and Services and the School of Building Construction run their own Excellence Awards Dinner event to celebrate our students’ achievements and to acknowledge business partners, employers, sponsors, as well as Industry Advisory Boards, for their commitment and support. Bringing these groups together supports kaitiakitanga; developing a community of professional… Read more »

Second day of record-breaking Research Symposium seals a stellar year for Unitec research

Unitec’s record-breaking Research Symposium wrapped up yesterday with the second day of presentations covering Research with Impact, as well as Early Career Research. Unitec members of the STRATUS team, consisting of Denis Lavrov (Science Team Lead), Dila Beisembayeva (Lead Centre for Digital Innovation and Skills), Shannon Scown (Commercialisation Partner) conducting research into cybersecurity, gave the keynote address:… Read more »

Setting our graduates up for success: ‘Graduate to Career’ workshop

Our Industry Partnerships team ran a workshop in late November for our graduating students as they prepare to launch themselves into (or back into) the workforce – demonstrating kaitiakitanga towards our students even as they prepare to leave us. Graduates are facing a very different job market now than what they would have faced a… Read more »

Our stars of the Unitec Excellence Awards 2020 – Pics and more!

What a fabulous event on Thursday, when over 600 of us gathered in Te Puna to celebrate Unitec’s achievements in 2020 and recognised our shining stars. We had the largest number of nominations ever, nearly 300 across the 11 categories! From that the judges chose 43 finalists and 16 winners, who were presented trophies on… Read more »

Mahi Kotahitanga in action: Unitec shares Research Bank with Te Pūkenga subsidiaries

The Te Pūkenga whānau is already bearing fruit in the world of research. Late October Unitec signed an agreement with EIT, Toi Ohomai and Otago Polytechnic to share our Research Bank system with them. What is Research Bank? Research Bank is our open access research repository which  make our research available to the world. The… Read more »

International Day of People with Disabilities – 3 December 2020

          Each year, 3 December marks International Day of People with Disabilities. This day is promoted across the world by the United Nations to promote full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and to take action for the Inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society and development.… Read more »

Unitec’s ‘cat condos’ feature on Seven Sharp

Staff and students from three of our Schools have joined forces on a community project that will see pets given a safe home in domestic violence situations. Jo Jones, programme co-ordinator for the NZ Certificate in Animal Care in our School of Environmental and Animal Sciences, has been working with Pet Refuge over the past… Read more »