From asbestos removalist to cloud computing engineer with AWS re/Start

After completing the 12-week AWS re/Start course through Te Pūkenga/Unitec, Brazilian-Kiwi Thiago Canestraro pulled off an impressive career change earlier this year – from asbestos removal to IT. He spoke to Jesse Mulligan on Radio New Zealand about his experience and hopes for his new career with Spark. Listen Here

Our Memorial Grove is on the move

In October 2021, Michelle Teirney sent a message to all staff, letting us know that our Memorial Grove would be moving. Work will begin this week in moving the Memorial Grove to the new site. He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata. Te kanohi kitea ka hoki ngaa… Read more »

Matariki Manaaki Whenua Working Bee – Mini Bioblitz on 23 June

Toitū te whenua, toitū te tangata As the land endures, people flourish Nau mai, haere mai. Join us during Matariki 2022 to help care for our taonga. Te Waiunuroa o Wairaka, a culturally and historically significant aquifer fed freshwater spring, situated at Mt Albert campus; and Rangimarie pā harakeke, a harakeke (phormium tenax/NZ flax) collection… Read more »

Long Service Recognition – May 2022

Each month we recognise staff who have reached long service milestones. In this post we are celebrating our May 2022 long service milestones. Please make sure you acknowledge all of these people, who have made a commitment to Unitec and the success of our students. Their mahi kotahitanga is truly valued. 25 Years Duncan Wales,… Read more »

Celebrate Matariki events from Monday 13 June

  The rise of Matariki (the cluster of stars also known as Pleiades) in the winter skies above Aotearoa is an important time in the Māori calendar, as it signifies the start of the Māori New Year. It’s a time to reflect on the year gone by, plan for the year ahead and celebrate with community.… Read more »

Wānangatia Te Wahakura – Weaving Wellbeing for Mokopuna and Whānau

MCP graduate and Kaitiaki Taiao Tanya White’s (who also supervises on our MCP programme) research into the pā harakeke and raranga wahakura features in Issue 3 of “The Vessel” published by Norwegian Crafts and Objectspace; It takes an in-depth look at her case study of raranga wahakura (the practice of making a woven bassinet). It… Read more »

Queen’s Birthday Honours for Unitec whānau

The recent announcement of the Queen’s Birthday Honours’ list saw a number of Unitec graduates, former staff members, and guest lecturers recognized for their considerable achievements: Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit Lisa Reihana, MNZM – For services to the arts. Lisa is a multi-disciplinary artist who was appointed a Member of the… Read more »

Change Support Survey open for another week – make sure you have your say

Recognising how busy everybody is, the deadline for completion of the Change Support Survey has been extended for another week – so if you haven’t had a chance yet to provide your feedback, make sure you do so before 5:00pm Wednesday 15 June.  This is your opportunity to have your say and let us know… Read more »

Unitec and MIT stage first collaborative careers festival

Unitec and MIT have staged their first ever joint careers festival for the Tāmaki Makaurau region, focusing on Health, Nursing, Social Work and Counselling. The purpose of the recent Health CareerFest was to connect students studying healthcare, social practice and nursing to key industry organisations and partners, and to offer assistance with navigating the recruitment… Read more »

Thank you to our clothes swappers!

A big thank you to everyone who helped to make this week’s clothes swap such a huge success. It was definitely our biggest and best clothing swap so far, and it was great to see so many students and staff coming throughout the week to browse. We had a big kids’ section this time as… Read more »