Unitec’s Landscape Architecture students preparing for climate change

Listen: Dr Bradbury speaks to Katherine Ryan on RNZ Nine to Noon about the important role of Landscape Architecture in mitigating the effects of climate change Unitec’s School of Architecture is preparing as architecture schools globally face up to the significant challenge of training students for the effects of climate change, which are predicted to… Read more »

Bold Innovator scholar publishes paper on anxiety disorders

Last month, Unitec’s E-press published a paper from 2022 Bold Innovator Scholarship recipient and Master’s in Applied Practice graduate Kristi Shaw. Kristi’s $15,000 scholarship grant is being used to help create a project for parents caring for children with anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health concerns internationally, with one… Read more »

Video helps Engineering ākonga achieve better results

Practical and laboratory work is a key component of some engineering courses such as Hydraulics/Fluid Mechanics, but over the past few years, lecturers realised that a number of students were missing important demonstrations of the lab-based experiments. Civil and survey senior lecturer Babar Mahmood approached Te Puna Ako staff member to discuss and find a… Read more »

Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata a resounding success

    The return of Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata was a resounding success with thousands attending the live event at Ngā Ana Wai (Eden Park) in Tāmaki Makaurau, and 1.8 million viewers tuning into the live stream extravaganza of haka at its best. Each and every kapa from rohe around the country and… Read more »

Professor of Social Practice Helen Gremillion: Gender studies and cultural anthropology champion

Professor Helen Gremillion, one of our new Ahorangi at Unitec, arrived in Aotearoa New Zealand from the United States 15 years ago, bringing with her a wealth of experience in research into gender studies and cultural anthropology. Prior to her arrival here in 2008, Helen was Peg Zeglin Brand Chair and Associate Professor of Gender… Read more »

Karakia blesses Building 108 ahead of new ākonga for 2023

Friday saw a karakia take place to mark the completion of Stage four of Building 108. It’s a wonderful milestone to reach and it means electrical engineering ākonga will start the new semester in the facility. Susan Bennett, Head of School Computing and Electrical Engineering says: “We are excited to return to our repurposed space in… Read more »

Orientation week brings 1000 new ākonga on campus

As we see the formal start of Semester 1, 2023 today let’s remember this time last year we were still in Covid lockdown and Orientation Week was being delivered online as we all stayed home. What a difference a year makes! By this Wednesday, we will have welcomed more than a 1,000 new learners to… Read more »

Mahi Kotahitanga integral to enhancing learner experience

Te Pūkenga kaimahi and industry partners explored opportunities to enhance the experience of ākonga and increase engagement with employers at the Northern Region Learning and Teaching Symposium last week. Close to 120 representatives from ITOs, ITPs, industry and Te Pūkenga took the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the kaupapa,  ‘Stronger Together: Designing better outcomes… Read more »

Professor Peter de Lange: One of Aotearoa’s leading botanists

  Professor Peter de Lange, one of our new Ahorangi (Professors) at Unitec, says his career has taught him that telling stories, acting out roles, and using case studies, sprinkled with humour and honesty have consistently worked to get the best out of the students he mentors. “I get the best from my students by… Read more »

Excitement builds as Te Matatini 2023 kapa prepare to take the stage

The world’s largest and most prestigious Māori performing arts festival, Te Matatini 2023 will take control of Mt Eden Stadium (Ngā Ana Wai) over the next few days. For the first time since 2019, 45 kapa haka from 13 regions across Aotearoa and Ahitereiria will compete for the national title currently held by reigning champion… Read more »