Carparking update: Paid parking starts 27 February 2023

A reminder that the new carparking  plan will come into effect for both campuses from the beginning of Semester 1. on  Monday 27 February  2023

Read the details in the email that was sent to all staff.

An email advising of how to pay and how the parking will be monitored will be sent in the next few weeks, before the start of Semester 1, so staff and students are aware of what they need to do. 

Summary of new carparking plan

Mt Albert:

  • The southern carpark will remain as free parking until it’s required to be handed over to its owners. Our strong relationship with MHUD meant we were able to continue to lease the southern carpark, however they  will  give us 10 working days’ notice to hand the area back sometime in Semester 1.
  • Payment will be required on all other parking spaces Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Note, anyone arriving before 8am will need to pay from 8am.
  • There will be no allocated staff parking. All parks will be available to both staff and students.
  • Pricing will be capped at a maximum of $3 per day or $1 per hour. This is a $1 reduction for daily parking for students for 2023. The new parking fees target the busiest times of the day and parking will be free in the evening and weekends.
  • We’ll review our carparking charges for 2024 and consult with you if we need to make further changes to manage demand.
  • The car parking plan will apply to ALL staff. There will be no reserved parking for anyone.
  • More information will be shared soon on payment methods and compliance, along with an page on Te Aka for future reference. The signage, machines and traffic management plan are currently being implemented.


  • The only change for Waitākere is that the maximum daily rate will increase from $3 per day to $4 per day and  this will apply to staff and students.  This fee is already heavily subsidised by Unitec as we pay substantially more for each park to a third-party provider.

Without a doubt, we would prefer to keep our car parking free, but we simply don’t have any other options for managing demand. Our decision is based on research, data, feedback, collaboration, and many hours of discussion.

If you have further suggestions for helping people get to work safely, efficiently and in a timely manner, please email

Our teams continue to work on ways to reduce the demand on our car parks, so that those people who have no other option than to  travel to Unitec by car can continue to do so.



16 comments on “Carparking update: Paid parking starts 27 February 2023

  1. Laura on

    Will there be the option to purchase a semester or year-long parking pass to avoid the hassle of paying every day?

  2. Adrian Jenkins on

    Had you considered the impact on neighbours? I would imagine that a whole lot more kaimahi and akonga will start parking around Mark Rd, Raetihi Cres, Rhodes Ave, Springleigh Ave, Laurel Street and walk through to the campus.

  3. Dianne Roy on

    There is an equity issue here; $4 for those kaimahi and akonga at Waitakere and $3 at Mt Albert (daily max).

  4. Sue Crossan on

    I am sure the resource consent for the redevelopment of Mt Albert campus was based on Unitec providing sufficient parking for staff and students so that local streets wouldn’t be inundated with cars parking there instead.
    I also agree with Dianne. Why does it cost more to park at Waitakere? How is that fair for staff based at that campus?

  5. Robyn on

    Any solution to lack of showers? Most teaching staff arrive 7.30 – 8am for 8.30 classes which might create shower queues and many showers are in disability access toilets creating problems for anyone with disabilities who needs those toilets.

    What is the plan for classes if teaching staff are unable to get to campus in time for classes due to bus cancellations?

  6. Michal Chudzinski-Pawlowski on

    Robyn, I would imagine it’s a similar situation to unexpected traffic jam or an accident that are in your way.
    But I do agree with showers, more probably would be needed.

  7. Michele Henderson on

    Why do Waitakere staff pay more for car parks? It’s frustrating that our salaries continue to be chiseled away. An equitable chisel is marginally more palatable.

  8. Jaala Jacobs on

    Hi Michele, Thanks for your question regarding Waitakere carparks. Unitec has to pay the council for Waitakere parking so the increase is to cover our costs as our charges haven’t been increasing at the same rate as the costs Unitec have to pay. Unitec is still subsidizing Waitakere parking for staff and students by $1 a day

  9. Jaala Jacobs on

    Hi Sandra, thanks for your question on visitor carparks. the same process as now will be followed. We will reiterated in comms and fAQs in the weeks coming

  10. Jaala Jacobs on

    Hi Robyn, We will issue a map with the comms reiterating the showers available and bike lockydock stations. If you could email me details, we are keen on understanding which buildings have the shower queues so we can either direct staff to other showers with signs and invest in more showers in those buildings if possible

  11. Dianne Roy on

    Hello Jaala
    Thank you for your response to Michele’s message of 26 Jan (in which she refers to my message of 21 January).
    While I appreciate there are additional costs for parking at Waitakere, this is not the ‘fault’ of the staff and students at Waitakere. There is an equity issue here that should take precedence over costs to Unitec. Staff and students attending courses taught out of Unitec’s Waitakere campus should not have to pay more than staff and students at Mt Albert campus; to do so is unfair, unjust, and not equitable.

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