Partnership helps Pacific Students with programme costs

The Solomon Group has given Pacific students much-needed support with computer costs.


Earlier this month, eight Pasifika students from the School of Architecture received a laptop and accessories, from Pacific Centre partners, the Solomon Group.

It is part of an I-See-Me initiative that began in 2020, when the School of Architecture, through Pacific Champ Tuputau Lelaulu, established a support framework for Maori and Pacific students called Nga Ia Vai  – initially called the Oceanic Support Caucus. Nga Ia Vai refers to navigational Ocean currents and is used metaphorically to describe the role of Maori Pacific educators and support people in guiding our students to success. (ref Tuputau Lelaulu)

Apart from drawing support from Pacific and Maori support and academic staff, the initiative was supported by Head of School Peter McPherson by dedicating a room (called Nga Ia Vai) where students meet regularly with Pacific champs Venus Mataia and Ofa Cocker for extra tutorials and academic support.

Through this initiative, we found that the high cost of equipment for programmes in schools like Architecture and Creative Industries caused some Pacific students to drop out of study programmes. When the Solomon Group approached us around June 2021 this was an opportunity to establish a partnership with emphasis on these two schools.

“This is a major step in the right direction for these students. It is a big burden off their families and a boost for the students’ morale that we hope will translate to them staying committed untill they complete their studies.” Says Lupeti Fihaki

The Solomon Group also provided fuel vouchers for students who needed it and even helped pay for students without a  driver license to get their driving tests booked and paid for. Depending on budget they can also cover Course materials or excursions. Once registered, these students also receive ongoing mentoring to ensure that they get all the help they need to successfully complete their program. They also provide work-ready workshops and opportunities to upskill.




One comment on “Partnership helps Pacific Students with programme costs

  1. Peter Rees on

    Awesome work with fostering that relationship with the Solomon Group Lupeti. Our akonga will benefit greatly and looking forward to connecting them with students from our school to in Creative Industries. Malo lava.

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