Engagement is open! Tā tātou huarahi | Our pathway: Te Pūkenga organisational direction and design

From 15 August to 2 September, Te Pūkenga Acting Chief Executive Peter Winder is seeking your feedback on Tā tātou huarahi | Our pathway: Te Pūkenga organisational direction and design.

Tā tātou huarahi | Our pathway sets out the plan to respond to the wero (challenge) before us – to become the cornerstone of a cohesive, sustainable vocational education system that helps improve wellbeing for all New Zealanders and supports a growing economy that works for everyone.

The engagement will cover mahi that lies ahead in three groups:

  • Bringing the Network together, including the proposed executive level and business group structure, regions and transition approach.
  • Delivering on our commitments to ākonga and their whānau, kaimahi, Tiriti partners, employers and industry.
  • Responding to our changing world, ensuring we move with our partners and stakeholders and commit to our vision to learn with purpose.

Accessing the engagement document and providing feedback

The engagement document is available on Your Voice: yourvoice.tepukenga.ac.nz.

All kaimahi are welcomed and encouraged to read the engagement document and provide feedback via Your Voice.

If you’re having trouble getting into the Your Voice platform, it is likely due to heavy traffic on the site. You can also access the document on Te Pūkenga website. Once you’ve read the document, please use Your Voice to submit your feedback.

Te Hāro – Meeting with Peter

Peter is holding hui across the Network during the engagement period – these visits are called Te Hāro.

As well as discussing the proposed organisational and leadership structure, this is an opportunity for a more general kōrero about Te Pūkenga, its goals and the mahi completed since Peter was appointed as Acting Chief Executive.

  • All Unitec kaimahi are invited to the hui with Peter
  • When: Tuesday 23 August, 10.30am – 12pm
  • Where: Red Lecture Theatre, Mt Albert campus

It will also stream online – livestream link to be added soon.

Unitec/MIT Māori kaimahi wānanga:

This wānanga will provide an opportunity for Māori to collectively analyse and compile feedback on the organisational structure of Te Pūkenga in a space dedicated to te ao me ōna tikanga Māori.

  • When: Friday 19 August, 11am – 4pm
  • Where: Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae, 53 Ōtara Road, Ōtara

Frequently asked questions

Te Pūkenga have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, available on Your Voice. These will be regularly updated. If you have a question that hasn’t been answered yet, please email feedbackom@tepukenga.ac.nz.


3 comments on “Engagement is open! Tā tātou huarahi | Our pathway: Te Pūkenga organisational direction and design

  1. Clare Goodwin on

    The date above says…Tuesday 15 October, 10.30am – 12pm

    What is the correct date please? Thanks.

  2. Jody Bennett on

    Thanks for letting us know, Clare! Human error. This has been fixed now. It’s Tuesday 23 August

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