Ngā Taipitopito – Consultation: What you can expect | Navigating change | ServiceIQ joins Te Pūkenga WBL

Kia ora koutou,

Matariki recently provided encouragement to pause and think about how far we have come over the last 12 months, and to reflect and prepare ourselves for the year ahead. For me, it felt incredibly appropriate as we prepare to share with you a proposed structure for Te Pūkenga.

You may remember, in the last few weeks, we’ve shared that we will be consulting with you on this from 19 July to 16 August. With a little over a week to go, we’re currently finalising a few details and getting ready to present the proposal to you. We want to do this in a way that enables you to understand how Te Pūkenga will be structured and organised – and what this means for each of you.

I know you are all eager to receive this information. For many of you, your current role and duties remain essential to a successful transformation. Therefore, we propose little change for the vast majority of kaimahi (staff) with their daily duties.  There is likely change with reporting lines (although not necessarily for many, their direct line manager) and all of us are on a journey to build our capability to genuinely give effect to the intention of the Reform of Vocational Education.

We also expect new roles to be created, providing opportunity for all current network kaimahi. We’ll share with you how you’ll be able to apply for those roles of interest that align to your expertise.

The creation of Te Pūkenga gives us the opportunity to re-think how we deliver vocational and applied education in Aotearoa New Zealand. That means looking at what works locally and considering how it might work at a national level, to reach more ākonga (learners) because of our size and scale.

As we move further into the new year, I encourage you to look ahead at this moment in time to be part of a significant shift for Aotearoa. I know the passion and dedication that exists in our network, and I believe the proposed structure will enable us all to be bolder in our aspiration for ākonga and their whānau, employers and communities.

Ngā mihi,
Stephen Town
Chief Executive

Consultation: What you can expect
I noho tahi a Stephen Henry, Kaiwhakaura Whakaumutanga, Whakawhitinga hoki, me Amomai Pihama, Kaitohutohu Māori, Kaiwhakahaere Takirua, Whakapāpātanga, Whakaanga hoki, Ngā Whakahaerenga a te Pūkenga, ki te kōrero mō ngā mea ka kitea e ngā kaimahi ina tuarihia ngā pārongo Whakawhiti Whakaaro.
Read more >
Consultation: What you can expect
Stephen Henry, Kaiwhakaura, Director Transformation and Transition sat down with Amomai Pihama, Kaitohutohu Māori, Co-Manager, Communications and Engagement, Te Pūkenga Operations, to talk about what kaimahi can expect when the Consultation information is shared.
Read more >




Ka Mua, Ka Muri | Explore the past, shape the future: navigating change
With consultation on Tā Mātou Hanganga Whakahaere i Tāpae ai, Our Proposed Structure beginning this month, we wanted to share some kōrero with you to help you navigate yourself and support others through change.
Read more >







ServiceIQ joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning
On Monday we came together for a pōhwiri to welcome ServiceIQ into Work Based Learning. We’ve put together some highlights for to enjoy. Nau mai, haere mai ServiceIQ.
Watch the video here >





Privacy is everyone’s business

We’re releasing a common privacy notice that lets visitors to all websites across our network know how we may use their information.
Read more >





Meet Dave Christiansen, Te Pūkenga ITP Transition Lead

Dave Christiansen, former chief executive of Wintec, has taken on a new role as ITP Transition Lead at Te Pūkenga. We caught up with Dave to find out about his role and his mahi in the Early Movers space.
Read more >





Te Turuturu provides opportunity to connect with Te Pūkenga mahi

Te Pūkenga is encouraging network kaimahi to connect and discuss our collective mahi across the motu through an ongoing series of online hui, Te Turuturu.
Read more >





New organisational strategy provides direction

Te Piko, our organisational strategy, outlines what type of organisation we want Te Pūkenga to be, what we want to achieve and how we will do this.
Read more >





Check out our new content in Synergy Health

Have you registered for Synergy Health? We’ve added some new monthly content to our homepage, including a new Head Strong module to support our mental fitness.
Read more >



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*All content © Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 2022*