Unitec Learning and Teaching Symposium 2022
He Aromatawai mō Te Ao Hurihuri | Assessments for a Changing World
Kia ora e te whānau! Nau mai haere mai!
Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. The old net is cast aside, while the new net goes fishing.
We have to get our assessments right, because they define the curriculum for our students. We also have to re-imagine how we design and deliver assessments, how we help learners understand what we expect from them, and how we evaluate evidence of their learning. In many cases, pre-2020 assessments will no longer suffice. JOIN US for two mornings of new thinking, successful practice from colleagues, and application to your own courses/programmes.
Learning-orientated assessments assure us and our stakeholders that students have developed knowledge, skills and attributes that will take them from being a student to a contributing member of the workplace or into further study.
The world of assessment and feedback is changing; moving towards authentic tasks that truly engage students, assessments that are learning experiences in themselves and feedback that results in improvement.
The symposium will highlight:
- How assessment is changing and why
- What’s in it for you if you re-imagine your assessments
- Ways in which theory and practice at Unitec are improving assessments
- Next steps for your programme and courses.
DAY 1 Wednesday 16th February 8.30am – 12.30pm Online in Zoom – links sent on registration
8.30am – 9.00am Karakia, Mihi Whakatau, Opening remarks Prof Martin Carroll 9.00am – 10.00am Keynote 1: Prof Sally Brown (Leeds Beckett University) and Prof Kay Sambell (University of Cumbria and University of Sunderland) – on Reimagining Assessments 10.00am – 10.30am Plenary Session: Darlene Cameron (Te Pou Manawa), Katy Mann Benn Team Leader, Learning Advisors) Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka – Our Context 10.40am – 11.00am Morning tea break 11.00am – 12.00pm Keynote 2: Linda Aumua (HOS Healthcare & Social Practice) & Annette Pitovao (Director, Student Success) on Creating the Desire for Change. Conversations about why a student-centred focus is needed. 12.00pm – 12.20pm Conclusion to Day 1 – A/Prof Joce Williams (Manager, Te Puna Āko)
DAY 1 Wednesday 16th February 8.30am – 12.30pm Online in Zoom – links sent on registration 9.00am – 10.30am Parallel Streams for you to choose: – Aligning assessment with learning outcomes and teaching activities – Quality assurance through pre-moderation – New thinking in the importance of feedback – Building inclusivity into our assessment design – Expanding the idea of authenticity in assessment These highly applied workshops will be facilitated by TPA & TKK Advisers, and feature speakers (teaching practitioners) from across Unitec schools, sharing their practice and inviting discussion. 10.30am – 11.00am Morning tea break 11.00am – 12.00pm School/Programme/Department streams: application, korero.