Upcoming sustainability planning and hui for Unitec

Ehshan shared updates at the recent sustainability hui

In February this year, Vaughan Payne appointed Ehsan Yaeghoobi, as a part time Te Pukenga Sustainability lead. His initial task was to undertake a stocktake of what already exists in the network in terms of sustainability: leadership, strategies, practices and data.  Considering that each ITP might be at a different stage of their sustainability journey, the stocktake was kept simple.

The results of this work informed a report on the implications for Te Pūkenga of He Pou A Rangi Climate Change Commission final advice to the New Zealand Government. A presentation was made to Te Pūkenga Council on the 3 August and both of these reports will be shared with the wider network. If you would like a copy please email oneplanet@unitec.ac.nz

The next step is to form a sustainability governance structure for Te Pūkenga, ensuring that voices from all important stakeholder groups including network partners (ITPs and TITOs) are represented. Ehsan, Te Pukenga Sustainability lead, recently attended our Sustainability hui and gave updates on how this work is progressing. He told us that:

  • the Terms of Reference (TOR) for Sustainability Committee have been drafted and are being reviewed by management
  • That review is also underway of options for an emissions management solution, suitable for all network partners. Suitability is assessed both in terms of cost and simplicity to use.
  • Request has been made to several energy management and emission management providers around the country to propose how they can assist Te Pūkenga decarbonisation journey.  A decarbonisation action plan for Te Pūkenga will be ready hopefully by the end of the year.
  • The work on a Sustainable Procurement policy/framework will begin soon.
  • Te Pūkenga sustainability strategy and framework 2022-2025 is scheduled to be presented to Te Pūkenga Council by the 2nd quarter of 2022. All network partners will be involved in the development of this important mahi.

In the spirit of Mahi Kotahitanga, the sustainability leads at Unitec, EIT and Te Pūkenga have joined together to develop a series of online, informal and applied information sharing hui. Our idea is to complement the work already undertaken and to bring together a community of practice. There are three online huis planned this year, each two hours long. These huis will create the space for ITPs and TITOs to share information about their sustainability initiatives to inspire and invite closer collaboration across our networks.

First session will be held 3rd November, 1.30pm – 3.30pm. To learn more and register, please email mzidov@unitec.ac.nz

Related article: https://thenest.unitec.ac.nz/TheNestWP/auckland-climate-festival-celebrating-climate-action/

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