Using technology to support culture – Kei a Tātou Te Ihi (KATTI)

Ngā Kete Mātauranga – Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga

An innovative approach using the Tik Tok app by Unitec’s Pathway College allowed a quick pivot to online teaching while making learning fun for young ākonga.

The Kei a Tātou Te Ihi (KATTI) program was designed by Māori liaisons from various tertiary institutes across the country to help showcase Māori in higher education for secondary school students in Tāmaki Makaurau.

Its main purpose is to help Māori secondary students see themselves in any tertiary sector, says Anaru Parangi, Team Leader Secondary Schools and Community Engagement at Unitec Pathway College.

“We design each  program specifically for each level from year 10 – 13 , with everything centred around kaupapa Māori  and educational themes, so it can help them articulate how they see themselves in tertiary education while remaining and doing things that are Māori

“We run four programs a year and they are delivered typically face to face, but when Covid came along last year, we had to shift our thinking and restucture the program so it could be delivered online.”

Each program is themed with  a Māori proverb and structured around ngā kete e toru and the pursuit of knowledge. This is the story of how Tāne the god of the forest traverses the 12 heavens in pursuit of the baskets of knowledge.

Our Year ten programme is based around the pursuit of the baskets of knowledge while the other year level programs delve into one of the three baskets of knowledge, Anaru says.

“In this way, our tauira Māori from across Tāmaki follow in the footsteps of Tāne in pursuit of knowledge, skills and lessons to add into their own baskets. These proverbs work as guidelines that structure the delivery  used for each workshop.

“Because we were uncertain of how long we would remain in the alert levels for this lockdown, we decided to run an online competition on Tik Tok so ākonga could explore their culture a little differently, based around the proverb ‘Ko au ko taku ahurea, ko taku ahurea ko au’ (I am my culture and my culture is me).”

In the Tik Tok videos, the ākonga can showcase in any way they want to how they see and relate to their culture.

“There is a whole spectrum of Māori experience, from those who live in urban areas, but may not have much engagement with their culture and heritage while there are others who are very entrenched and comfortable in that space. This delivery system  allows them to identify in their own way and create Tik Toks in which they feel comfortable showcasing their heritage.”

Ngā Kete Mātauranga – Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga

 Tāne traverses the 12 heavens in pursuit of the baskets of knowledge.

Whakatauki (proverb)

Year 10 Program

“Ko au ko taku ahurea, ko taku ahurea ko au” (I am my culture and my culture is me)

Year 11 Program,

“He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka” (Rough seas can still be navigated)

Year 12 Program,

“Kia mau ki tō ūkaipō” (Hold on to your source of sustenance, your home, your roots)

Year 13 Program,

“Ka whati te tai, ka pao te tōrea” (When the tide receeds, the Tōrea strikes)

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