Code of Practice – Pastoral Care

Tertiary and International Code of Practice

Keeping our students safe, respected, supported, connected and heard

Here at Unitec, we are committed to creating a learner-centred environment where our learners feel:

  • Safe – physically, mentally and culturally
  • Respected and accepted for who they are
  • Supported in their learning and wellbeing
  • Connected with their social and cultural networks
  • Heard– able to have their say in decisions that impact them

Our approach, guided by Te Noho Kotahitanga, aligns with The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 which set out clear and consistent expectations of how we should partner with our learners to provide pastoral care to ensure a positive educational experience.

A new combined Code of Practice:

During April/May 2021, the Ministry of Education underwent a process of consultation for a new combined code of pastoral care for tertiary and international learners. The new code came into effect from 1 January 2022, which sets out shared wellbeing and safety requirements for domestic tertiary and international learners, while retaining specific protections for international students.

Code of Practice Graphic

What this means for you:

In 2022, all staff are being asked to complete an online module for the new Code of Practice to ensure we are all aware of our individual and collective pastoral care responsibilities under the Code.

The completion of this activity as an all-staff requirement in 2022 is displayed on Individual ADEP plans.

Please click here to start the online Module.

Learn more about the new code:

Refresh on the extensive pastoral support available to our learners:

  • The Student Success team are at the heart of our learner wellbeing support – embracing the role of Kaitiakitanga, they provide advice and services to our learners to support their success.
  • Click below for a great overview of the teams and the services they provide – print out a copy or bookmark it to keep it handy for quick reference.
