Five minutes with Jaala Jacobs – Director Infrastructure

Jaala Jacobs joined the Operations team back in June as Director – Infrastructure. We chatted with her to find out her background, what she gets up to outside of work and the opportunities and challenges of her role…

Tell us about your background

I am an experienced project and change leader with experience across property infrastructure, IT, and people projects.  I have held leadership roles with ASB, BNZ and more recently MIT.  At MIT I led the Project Management Office for the last 4 years and was responsible for the Campus Masterplan Programme of works including the TechPark Development, Otara Campus Refurbishment and HUD land sale.

The role appealed as I get to do similar kind of change work and campus improvements. I enjoy helping students and staff have a great place for education to take place, along with it being the area I grew up in so is special to me.

Jaala (back) with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and others and the opening of TechPark at MIT




What have you observed in the first few weeks you’ve been here?

Fantastic, knowledgeable, kind people work at Unitec and I get to work with a great team that care about the outcomes of their actions.

What are some of the opportunities and challenges in your role?

My role opportunity is to lead the completion of decamping the buildings and land, along with fitting out new teaching spaces like B108. A challenge is re-planning due to the lockdown impacts on these plans.



What do you get up to outside of work?

Follow and act as cheerleader for my son’s basketball champion games around the North Island. I live in the Waitākere ranges and love to tramp in the ranges and spend time at Te Henga lakes and beach.

What are some of your highlights this year?

Starting this job of course! Also tripping around East Cape in April Easter break and my newfound hobby of visiting lighthouses where I can, along with attending the Techpark opening and meeting the Prime Minister with the project team.




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