Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori 13-19 Mahuru – Celebrate Te Reo Māori. DAILY UPDATES!



Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori – Te pūrongo Māori

Me whakamana i tō tātou reo rangatira, kā tika.

Kua tīmata te wiki o te reo Māori e whakatenatena ana i te iwi whānui puta noa i te motu, ahakoa Māori mai, Pākeha mai ki te kōrero i te reo Māori.

Nā te whakapeto ngoi a ngā kawau māro Māori ō mua i whakaara ake te wiki o te reo i te tau 1975.

Mai rā ano kua pakari ake te kaha ā te marea ki te tuku aroha ki te kaupapa.

Ki te hiahia koe ki te whai whakamārama e hāngai atu ana ki te hohonutanga o tēnei kaupapa, tēnā whakapā atu ki te hononga ā tihi kei raro iho nei.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori – Māori Language week in context

Hei tautoko i te hunga e ngākaunui ana ki tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira he rauemi kua whakaritea e te whānau o Maia rātou ko tā mātou Taharangi ko Toni Vaughan.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māia

He kaupapa pārekareka kua whakatinanahia e te whānau o Maia i tēnei wiki mo te katoa o ngā kaimahi, ākonga hoki.

Mo ngā whakamahuki e hāngai atu ana ki ēnei kaupapa tēna tirohia ki te hononga ki raro iho nei.

Kā timata te kaupapa o tēnei rā heite 12:30pm.

Te Wki o Te Reo Maia

Mo ngā whakamahuki katoa tēnā titiro ki te rārangi hononga ki raro.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Maia 2021

Tāpiri atu, kua whakawhārikihia e Toni Vaughan ētahi kaupapa ki raro iho nei mā te katoa, i a rā ka whakahouhia ngā kōrero.

Whakatauki o te rā – Whakatauki of the day

Whakatauki 5

“Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi”

“With your resources and my resources together we can ensure our community prospers”

Whakatauki 4

“Ko Hinemoa, ko au” – “I am like Hinemoa”.

This whakataukī describes unrelenting aroha (love).

Whakatauki 3

“Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au” -“I am the land and the land is me”.

This whakataukī describes the deep connection one has with their places of origin. In some iwi whenua will be replaced with awa.

Whakatauki 2

“Mā te tai o Tangaroa, ka whakapiki te tangata. Mā te mauri o te wai, ka ora ai te iwi”  “By the tides of Tangaroa we move, by the lifeforce of water, we live”.

This whakataukī describes the relationship between the moon and the tides and the effects this can have on people.

Whakatauki 1

He tina kia runga, he tāmore ki raro – Contentment above firmly rooted below

With solid whānau foundations and good grounding in your culture you’ll find contentment and satisfaction

Waiata Māori o te rā – Māori song of the day

Waiata 5

Ngā Tumanako are a rōpū based in West Auckland who won Te Matatini in 2019.

They’re a part of our community and many of the members have a special relationship with Unitec, through the mahi of UPC. Some of the group are past members and I believe we’ve also had tamariki from these whānau studying at Unitec – let’s continue to support our communities to prosper

Waerea – Ngā Tūmanako

Waiata 4

He aroha Hinemoa / Love on the run– Love on the run click on the pic below to listen and sing along.

Waiata 3

Ka Hao & Rob Ruha

Ko ‘Ka Hao te waiata o te rā nā Rob Ruha he Taura Here ō mua o Te Noho Kotahitanga i tito.

Ka Hao Waiata.

Waiata 2

Ocean Moon / Hina ki Tai – Annie Crummer

Anei te hononga ki te waiata Hina ki Tai nā Annie Crummer rāua ko Pania Papa i tito  link

Waiata 1

Mātaki mai i te kaiwaiata o Six60 a Matiu Walters e whakatairanga ana i te ngako o te waiata Pepeha.

Six60 to release first bilingual waiata | 1 NEWS | TVNZ

Te Wero o te Rā – Challenge of the Day


What is Matatini?
Learn more here –  Te Matatini: Te Matatini Festival

Test your reo
Bonus quiz: Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori language quiz |


Read the story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai

How Hinemoa’s unrelenting love for Tutanekai conquered all – Whakarewarewa


He pūnaha rorotu a Tiktok mo te marea, tirohia ki ēnei ripene kanikani.

Shane Wikaira

Kohu Ratana Gang

Ko te wero mōū kia mahia mai koe, koutou ko tō whānau he ripene ōrite ki ngā mea kei runga. Hei te mutunga iho tuku atu tō ripene ki konei link. Kā whakairihia ki ngā pae pāpāho papori.

Kaua e wareware ko ngā taane anake te hunga e waatea ana ki te wetero arero mo te pūkana.

Ki te hiahia koe ki te tiro atu ki ētahi tauira pai o te pūkana tirohia ki ngā whakaaturanga ki raro nei.

Pūkana Tips
Pukana Tips 


Ko te wero o te rā kia whai waahi ki te kaupapa  Māori language moment, happening at te tūhoetanga o tēnei rangi (midday). E hia kē nei ngā huarahi mo te tangata e hiahia ana ki te whai waahi, tirohia ki te hononga ki raro iho nei mo ngā whakamahuki.

Te Rangaihi Reo Māori | Māori Language Movement (


Ko te wero o te rā, ko te tunu Paraoa Parai, kātahi te paraoa reka ko tēnei. He tohutohu kei te hononga ki raro iho nei e whakamārama atu ana me pēhea te mahi. Tēnā karawhiua.

Fried Bread (

Hei te mutunga ake tēnā tuku whakaahua o te paraoa parai nāu i tunu ki a Toni Vaughan.

Rauemi Tautoko – Support Resources

Our lovely Paula Bold-Wilson created this quick tutorial, that will help you put the macrons in the right place every time. Kia ora rā Paula 😊. Click this link.

Mō ngā tāngata matatau – anei tētahi rauemi mā koutou – Raukupu

For all those who have enjoyed the waiata, there are a heap more – you can access online and create your own playlists. Try this link – Various Artists: Waiata / Anthems [2019] – YouTube

Those who have spotify – click here Spotify

Apple music – ‎Waiata / Anthems by Various Artists on Apple Music (this is the 2019 album)

Earlier this week I shared Six60’s pepeha and now you can also learn it in sign, one of the other official languages of Aoteara – Kia kaha Te Reo Māori. Kia kaha Te… – Nora Rose Kirikiri (

See below the origins of Ngā Rā o Te Wiki

For those watching the rugby this weekend – here are some useful kupu for you.

 Rugby – Whutupōro

Tackle – rutu

Referee – kaiwawao

Scrum – kakari

Lineout – Whakarārangi

Pass – Maka

Forward pass – maka whakamua

Try – Piro

  1. Whakamahia tēnei panga – Jigsaw Explorer Puzzle Player
  2. Whai waahi ki tēnei kaupapa nā Te Ingo Ngaia i a ia e ārahi ana i Te Reo Māori ki te Brett Graham exhibition – Tai Moana, Tai Tangata
  3. Pānuihia ngā kōrero e hāngai atu ana ki tē wiki o te reo Māori.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori — Māori Language Week in context | National Library of New Zealand (

Kei raro iho nei tētahi kāri e whakamārama an i ētahi kupu kōrero kā taea e koe te whakamahia

Whakarongo ki ngā kōrero a Stacey Morrison e hāngai atu ana ki te reo  Up To Speed with Te reo Māori | iHeartRadio

Mē mātaktaki hoki i tēnei kaupapa hack – kā rawe katoa!!

He rauemi kei te waatea nā te mātanga reo Donovan Farnham i tuhi. Nāna i whakarārangihia ētahi kaupapa awhi i te hunga e ngākaunui ana ki te kaupapa.

Māori Language Week Plan – Google Slide

Ia rā ko Covid tētahi kaupapa kōrero mo te marea, he rārarangi kupu Māori kei te hononga ki raro nei. Mo ngā kupu Māori, tēnā tirohia.

Ngā Kupu Māori e hāngai atu ana ki a Covid











Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori – English Story

Take the opportunity to celebrate the Māori language.

Today marks the beginning of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, encouraging people throughout the country, whether they are Māori or Pākeha to give te reo a go.

The concept of Te Wiki o te Reo originated in 1975 thanks to the tireless efforts of Māori who fought long and hard for the rights of their people.

Since its establishment the number of people embracing te reo has grown.

The depth of history and further context regarding Te Wiki o Te Reo can be located on the link below.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori – Māori Language week in context

To support anyone wanting to participate and play your part in championing the revitalisation of te reo our wonderful Maia team and Director of Māori Success Toni Vaughan have pulled together some fun resources.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māia

Our wonderful team at Maia have organised a series of hui promoting te reo and stories supporting people on their te reo journeys.

Todays kaupapa kicks off at 12:30 pm.

 Join the kōrero on the link below.

Te Wki o Te Reo Maia

 For all the details of events for the week take a look at the links below.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Maia 2021 or check out the list of events below:

Toni Vaughan is also sharing a whakataukī, song and challenge each day – check back to see these all week:

Whakatauki o te rā – Whakatauki of the day

Whakatauki 5

“Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi”

“With your resources and my resources together we can ensure our community prospers”

Whakatauki 4

“Ko Hinemoa, ko au” – “I am like Hinemoa”.

This whakataukī describes unrelenting aroha (love).

Whakatauki 3

“Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au” -“I am the land and the land is me”.

This whakataukī describes the deep connection one has with their places of origin. In some iwi whenua will be replaced with awa.

Whakatauki 2

“Mā te tai o Tangaroa, ka whakapiki te tangata. Mā te mauri o te wai, ka ora ai te iwi”  “By the tides of Tangaroa we move, by the lifeforce of water, we live”.

This whakataukī describes the relationship between the moon and the tides and the effects this can have on people.

Whakatauki 1

He tina kia runga, he tāmore ki raro – Contentment above firmly rooted below

With solid whānau foundations and good grounding in your culture you’ll find contentment and satisfaction

Waiata Māori o te rā – Māori song of the day

Waiata 5

Ngā Tumanako are a rōpū based in West Auckland who won Te Matatini in 2019.

They’re a part of our community and many of the members have a special relationship with Unitec, through the mahi of UPC. Some of the group are past members and I believe we’ve also had tamariki from these whānau studying at Unitec – let’s continue to support our communities to prosper

Waerea – Ngā Tūmanako

Waiata 4

He aroha Hinemoa / Love on the run– Love on the run click on the pic below to listen and sing along.

Waiata 3

Ka Hao & Rob Ruha

Today’s waiata composed and performed by Rob Ruha  former Taura Here at Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae.

Ka Hao Waiata.

Once we move to a lower pae mataara (alert level) you might want to visit the mighty 35 – it’s a beautiful part of the country!

Waiata 2

Ocean Moon / Hina ki Tai – Annie Crummer

Here’s a link to Annie, working with Pania Papa to create the Te Reo lyrics for this waiata.

Waiata 1

Matiu Walters lead signer of Six60 talks about Pepeha. You can watch the interview and waiata below.

Six60 to release first bilingual waiata | 1 NEWS | TVNZ

Te Wero o te Rā – Challenge of the Day


What is Matatini?
Learn more here –  Te Matatini: Te Matatini Festival

Test your reo
Bonus quiz: Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori language quiz |


Read the story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai

How Hinemoa’s unrelenting love for Tutanekai conquered all – Whakarewarewa


Tiktok is a pretty popular tool. Take a look at these short videos

Shane Wikaira

Kohu Ratana Gang

Your challenge today is to create a clip like these ones with your whānau bubbles and post to me at this link. We’ll pop it up on our pae pāpāho pāpori (Social media platforms). Don’t forget to get those pūkana in at the end (quick reminder that only males are allowed to whētero arero (protude tongues).

 If you need some pūkana tips – click on these links.

Pūkana Tips
Pukana Tips 


Your challenge today is to sign up for the Māori language moment, happening at te tūhoetanga o tēnei rangi (midday). There’s lots of different ways to participate – take a look at the link below you can do the challenge as an individual, in your bubbles or in your work whānau.

Te Rangaihi Reo Māori | Māori Language Movement (

Attached is another ZOOM or Teams background you can use to advertise this event.


Fried bread is a favourite in our whare and it’s super easy to make.

Your challenge today is to watch Mumma’s kitchen and learn how to make fried bread. Then, take a photo of your finished product and send it back to Toni Vaughan.

Fried Bread (

Rauemi Tautoko – Support Resources

Our lovely Paula Bold-Wilson created this quick tutorial, that will help you put the macrons in the right place every time. Kia ora rā Paula 😊. Click this link.

Mō ngā tāngata matatau – anei tētahi rauemi mā koutou – Raukupu

For all those who have enjoyed the waiata, there are a heap more – you can access online and create your own playlists. Try this link – Various Artists: Waiata / Anthems [2019] – YouTube

Those who have spotify – click here Spotify

Apple music – ‎Waiata / Anthems by Various Artists on Apple Music (this is the 2019 album)

Earlier this week I shared Six60’s pepeha and now you can also learn it in sign, one of the other official languages of Aoteara – Kia kaha Te Reo Māori. Kia kaha Te… – Nora Rose Kirikiri (

See below the origins of Ngā Rā o Te Wiki

For those watching the rugby this weekend – here are some useful kupu for you.

 Rugby – Whutupōro

Tackle – rutu

Referee – kaiwawao

Scrum – kakari

Lineout – Whakarārangi

Pass – Maka

Forward pass – maka whakamua

Try – Piro

  1. If you enjoy puzzling, have a go at doing this puzzle online – Jigsaw Explorer Puzzle Player
  2. Join Te Ingo Ngaia as she leads us on a Te Reo Māori tour of the Brett Graham exhibition – Tai Moana, Tai Tangata
  3. Read about the history of Te Reo from 1972 to today.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori — Māori Language Week in context | National Library of New Zealand (

Attached below is a wallet card with some useful everyday phrases you can use

We’re all doing well in our greetings, here are some examples for finding a way to end a hui and to say catch you later.

Listen to some really short podcasts from Stacey Morrison, each one is 5 minutes long Up To Speed with Te reo Māori | iHeartRadio

You’ve got to watch this hack – it’s awesome!!

In addition, take a look at this Māori language week plan – it’s interactive and can be used with your bubble or teams. It’s created by a local kaiako & Matanga Reo Māori (Expert Reo speaker) – Donovan Farnham.

Māori Language Week Plan – Google Slide

Covid is something we tend to talk about daily, so why not incorporate some of these kupu into your kōrero today, tomorrow and forever.

Ngā Kupu Māori e hāngai atu ana ki a Covid















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