Please prompt ākonga to complete the UMatter survey

Every five years, Unitec asks our ākonga to complete the UMatter survey to help us understand more about our ākonga, their motivations, wellbeing, concerns and other barriers they may face when studying with us.

The feedback we receive ensures the design and delivery of our support services are meeting the needs of our students and gives all staff an insight into various cohorts of our students so we can be more aware and have a better understanding of their day to day lives and some of the struggles they might be facing.

Please do your bit to encourage students to complete this survey. The link to share with students is:

Plus, as our way of saying thanks to our ākonga for providing us with important information, we’re giving them the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy S21 5G (valued at $1,400) or one of ten $100 gift cards.

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