Karakia tuku aroha ki a Īnia – A Karakia dedicated to India

The resilience and strength of Unitec staff and students impacted by the devastating outbreak of COVID-19 in India was highlighted at a special karakia this week.

Numbers continue to surge in India with hundreds and thousands of deaths and positive cases reported daily.

A special karakia led by Matua Hare Paniora paid tribute to those lost as a result of the pandemic and those struggling to fight their way through the disaster.


Unitec’s India and Sri Lanka Country Manager, Pooja Malik and her family contracted and fought their way through the virus.

Manager of Marketing and International, Farhana Nalar offered heartfelt prayers to Pooja, her whānau and the millions affected.

“There are a lot of agents and friends who in some way, death has touched their families, most of them have lost their elderly parents and grandparents and it’s a really sad time for people in India, I guess the struggle for people living here is they are feeling helpless and they are unable to assist their loved ones.”

Farhana also spoke of the bravery and positivity of Pooja as she fought her way through the virus.

“She was so positive and she was firm in her faith that she would actually overcome this and she did and I think she is an inspiration for everyone.”

For those wanting to contribute to the kaupapa and support whānau in India you can visit this website. A Givealittle page has also been set up and you can donate here.

The Indian High Commissioner Shri Bhav Dhillon, Hon Consul of India in Auckland, is co-ordinating donations of medical material from New Zealand to India. Details of donating have been provided by the Indian High Commission, or for more information, please email Shri Bhav Dhillon.

You can also provide donations directly to the PM cares fund in India, if you have access to Indian bank accounts.

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