Te Pūkenga update #2 from Stephen Town

Kia ora koutou

The recent Easter break was a great opportunity for everyone to take some time out to refresh. In whatever way you chose to enjoy some of the last of the summer weather, I hope this included spending time with whānau and friends.

The development of our operating model continues to be a big focus for Te Pūkenga and activity will only increase in the coming months. During March, over 400 ideas and 500 comments were shared by staff, stakeholders and members of the public as part of the operating model co-design process. We look forward to building on this in the coming months.

This week we’ve opened Our Journey again with seven service concepts which have been developed and are being shared for public feedback. Please take a few moments to provide your input on these before Friday 23 April.

We’re about to begin another phase of engagement across the country aligned to various Transformation Programme activities. A series of hui begin next week between the Partnerships and Equity team and subsidiaries to continue the korero around Te Pae Tawhiti. Following this, the team will connect on the operating model updates with feedback sessions beginning in early June.

The mahi that is happening across Aotearoa is incredibly important. We’re working together to make generational change to the future of vocational education in Aotearoa. Thank you for the part you all play in this.

Stephen Town – Te Pūkenga Chief Executive

Kia ora koutou

He wā pai ngā rā o Te Aranga hei tānga manawa mō tātou katoa . Ahakoa he aha tō mahi kia rongo tonu i te mahana o ngā rangi whakamutunga o te raumati. Ko te tūmanako hoki i whai wā whakatā koutou ko tō whānau, ō hoa hoki.

E noho tonu nei te whanaketanga o tā mātou tauira whakahaere hei aronga nui mō Te Pūkenga, ā, ka nui haere tonu ngā mahi hei ngā marama kei te tū mai. I te marama o Maehe e 400 ngā whakaaro, e 500 ngā kōrero tērā i tuaringia e ngā kaimahi, ngā kaiwhaipānga e te marea hoki i runga i tēnei wāhanga o te tukanga hoahoa ngātahi. Ka tāria te wā kia whakapiki tonu mātou ki ēnei kōrero, whakaaro hoki hei ngā marama kei te tū mai.

I tēnei wiki tonu ka tuwhera anō Tā Mātou Haerenga me ngā ariā e whitu kua whakawhanakehia, ā, kei te tuaringia ki te marea kia whakahoki kōrero, whakaaro mai. Tēnā koa kia whai wāhi tonu koe ki te tuku whakaaro mai i mua i te Paraire 23 Āperira.

Kua tīmata anō mātou ki tētahi wāhanga uiuinga whānui huri noa te motu e hangai ana ki ngā mahi a te Kaupapa Whakaumutanga. Ka tīmata ngā hui a tērā wiki i waenga i te tīma Whakahoatanga me te Ōritetanga me ngā āpitihanga kia haere tonu ngā kōrero e pā ana ki Te Pae Tawhiti. Hei whai atu i tēnei, ka huitahi te tīma rā i runga i ngā kōrero hou, ā, ka tīmata ngā hui whakahoki kōrero ā ngā wiki mātāmua o Hune.

He mea nui whakahirahira ngā mahi kei te kawea haeretia puta puta i Aotearoa. E mahitahi ana tātou kia tutuki ai tēnei hurihanganui i roto i tēnei whakatipuranga mō te āpōpō o te mātauranga ahumahinga.

Stephen Town

Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua
Te Pūkenga

Transformation Programme updates

Latest news and updated from our Transformation Programme is shared on our website. Recent highlights include:

Operating Model:

The project team have opened the Our Journey space for the next opportunity for feedback. In this round seven service concepts are being shared for feedback before Friday 23 April. We are looking for feedback from TITOs and subsidiary staff, learners, employers and anyone who has experience in the sector they would like to share. See more detail and share your thoughts here.

We have shared the first in our video series to unpack the operating model – beginning with answering the question ‘What is the Operating Model?’.  The next video in the series will be available next week.

Partnerships and equity:

Earlier this year a major milestone was reached when all of the subsidiaries completed a self-evaluation report against Te Pae Tawhiti – see more here. The Partnerships and Equity team has completed their initial analysis of these reports and are about to begin the process of connecting with each of the subsidiaries to korero through some of the themes and next steps which have emerged. Ana Morrison, DCE Partnerships & Equity, and members of the team will be visiting each subsidiary between Monday 12 April and the end of the month for these discussions. We’ll share more of this detail as it is publicly released in coming months.

Learner Journey:

Our Learner Journey and Experience team is currently working its way around the network to better understand ways in which learner voice is heard across our network. We are speaking to learner leaders and staff to hear what works and what doesn’t and our stocktake will support us to decide what we focus on in the future.  If you’d like to be involved, please email ourjourney@tepukenga.ac.nz

Employer Journey: 

We’ve been holding a series of workshops to identify different employer profiles/personas. Part of this work is to assist us to start developing ideas on how to support each employer profile with their teaching and improve the apprentice or trainee learning experience. We are continuing to connect with employers to ensure their voice is represented, in particular with the development of our future operating model.

A number of sectors and organisations have connected with Te Pūkenga to explore a different delivery model for the future. They are keen to understand what a national network of provision could look like and the opportunities this provides them.

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