During routine air monitoring as part of a refurbishment of a small room on level 3, B113, high levels of asbestos have been identified. The levels are above acceptable levels ONLY in the room itself and in the space directly outside the room (which was being renovated to be used as a lab). Air monitoring in other spaces in B113 and B112 have come back within acceptable levels.
Following advice from WorkSafe and our own experts – Dr Dan Blanchon and Dr Terri-Ann Berry – our Health and Safety team has sealed off the room as well as the area around it. This is a precautionary approach as our asbestos monitoring contractor undertakes more testing of the area. Once we have a conclusive picture of the levels and the risk in the surrounding area, we will determine our next course of action, which will likely involve engaging a specialist contractor to remove the asbestos and clean the area.
A small number of staff and learners (our Polyemp learners plus two staff members) are directly affected by the closure of a teaching space and an office, and a wider group is affected due to access being restricted.
Areas that have been closed
- B113, level 3
- Access doors to the area via B112 and B114 have been locked, along with access via the stairwell and lift
- The ‘mother’s room’ in B112 has also been closed through an abundance of caution – air monitoring has deemed this area very low risk
Impact on staff and learners and solutions to the closure
- Where access to B112, B113, B114 and B115 is required by lift, any staff or students will be unable to reach level 3 due to the lift being closed. Teaching staff, please plan for new teaching methods (e.g. Zoom, or using a different space) where your learners will be affected, and liaise directly with those learners.
- The B113, level 3 corridor is frequently used as a thoroughfare, including the stairwell. Please advise your learners to use an alternative route to get to classes in B112, B114 or B115.
- With the existing mother’s room being closed, a new mother’s room has been set up in B180-1116.
Further information
- The affected room is on level 3, B113. It was previously unused, and was being renovated to be used as an asbestos lab. There is no room number, however this map identifies the room – it is the narrow space opposite B113-3002, next to the stairwell. The map shows where the air monitoring readings were taken.
- Renovations were being undertaken in the room and as part of proactive measurement, air monitoring was in place. The initial testing was done inside the room, then subsequent air monitoring found above-acceptable levels directly outside the room (noted as ‘Pump 2; 16 fibres’ on the map)
- We do not have confirmation at this point to identify the source of the raised level. Further investigations will occur, and we will do our best to pinpoint the exact cause of the raised level. Naturally our immediate priority was to close the space so staff and students were not put at risk. We have closed the whole of Level 3 in B113 including the stairwell and lift access.
- We are working with WorkSafe NZ and they are very supportive of the timeliness of action and nature of action to date. We will remain in close contact WorkSafe as we work through the situation.
- Our next priority is ensuring learners and staff can navigate around the buildings to get to their classes, given key entry points (the B113 lift and stairwell) are closed at B113, level 3. We’re using physical signage and messaging learners on Moodle to let them know which areas are closed and where the alternative entry points are.
We’re confident all areas except level 3, B113 are safe to access, and that the immediate risk has been mitigated.
Over the coming days, we will determine our next steps. We are enlisting professionals at every necessary step, including undertaking additional testing to confirm the source and the clean-up of the area.
In spite of the precautions and countermeasures we have taken, if you still feel anxious or uneasy, please speak to your APM about alternative working arrangements until the situation is entirely remediated, and we have a better understanding of how the issue arose in the first place.
Please get in touch with Dan Brady if you have any further questions, and if your learners are concerned or have questions, please direct them to our Student Support services by emailing unitecstudents@unitec.ac.nz or phoning 0800 10 75 10.