Friendly Reminder – Performance Partnering and Badge Requirements

All staff should complete their ADEP each year: Achieve, Develop, Enjoy, Partner

It’s that time of year again as we transition to the 2021 Performance Partnering cycle. This means Team Action Plans are being finalised, and these are being posted on the Nest as they become available.

Reviews and ADEPs

If you haven’t already, please set up a review discussion with your manager and finalise and submit your Review of Achievements for 2020. You should have also have agreed, signed off and submitted your ADEP Plan for 2021.

Deadline extended for completion of 2020 badge requirements

While the official cut-off date for submission of evidence towards completion of 2020 badge requirements was 31 December 2020, you can still submit through to the end of March and have that count towards your 2020 requirements. Just a reminder that all support staff should have completed at least one badge – and this should be Living Te Noho Kotahitanga at the next level of progression – and all teaching staff should have completed at least two badges, of which at least one must be a parity badge.

The extension recognises that 2020 was a particularly tough year and many of our staff, especially our teaching staff, went above and beyond to deliver through lockdowns and manaaki our learners. If you still have one or more badges to complete for 2020, your manager will be following up with you shortly if they haven’t already, to ensure you have a plan in place and the support you need to meet these requirements by the deadline.

As at the end of February, around 70% of our staff had already completed their badge requirements for 2020 which is a great result. If there are reasons you can’t meet your requirements, please discuss this as soon as possible with your manager so we can make any necessary adjustments to our learning and development records.

If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss with your manager in the first instance or contact

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