Help shape Te Pūkenga and the future of vocational learning in Aotearoa – message from Merran Davis

Please see below an invitation from Merran Davis, DCE Transformation & Transition at Te Pūkenga, to share your thoughts on the development of Te Pūkenga.

Kia ora

We are thrilled to invite you to the Te Pūkenga Our Journey collaboration space. Here we embark together on the next exciting phase of our journey to transform vocational learning in Aotearoa and further our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

 Share Your Voice

We have used research, and stories, thoughts, and ideas from many different people to begin the work of designing the future for Te Pūkenga and vocational learning in Aotearoa – including the mahi that you were involved with as part of a Mobilising New World workstreams last year. That latest work is displayed in the Our Journey collaboration space. And now it’s your turn to talk with us and with each other.

Your voice is important. Are you a past, present or future ākonga? Are you a business owner who employs apprentices? Are you a kaiako in a learning institution? Do you support ākonga? Perhaps you represent a particular group in the sector, community or industry? Whatever your story, we are listening.

 Please tell us what you think at

This is the online space for Te Pūkenga, where everyone can access the mahi that has been done and provide feedback. It’s vital that we hear from as many diverse voices as possible. Simply sign up and get started sharing your thoughts and viewpoint with us and others.

We have provided questions in the space under eight topics aligned to the ākonga journey. The Our Journey space is available 24/7 and will be open for your comment until Friday 19 March 2021.

Your comments and response to the work that’s being done will provide vital feedback to help us refine our future operating model. This will inform what Te Pūkenga does, where and how it gets done, and ensure everyone is included. It’s vital that we hear from as many diverse voices as possible—where you are from, your iwi, hapū, ethnicity, age, learning style, physical ability, profession, history, and interests are all very important.

Why Should You Get Involved?

By sharing your voice in the Te Pūkenga collaboration process you will help ensure that Te Pūkenga serves all the people of Aotearoa and positions everyone equally for success. You will also leave a legacy for your own family/whānau: you will ensure your tamariki and theirs for future generations will be able to access vocational education and be supported in the career they choose.

This is the first time in NZ—and possibly the world—that a national educational institution has been designed for ākonga with ākonga, along with other key participants including employers, kaiako and support staff. This is your opportunity to be part of something truly significant!

We look forward to hearing your voice,

Merran Davis
DCE Transformation & Transition
Te Pūkenga

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