Regular Meeting of Community studies PAQC
Monday 12th October, 2020 1.30 to 3.30 pm
Chair: Wesley Verhoeff
Secretary: Valeria Castillo
Meeting resources
- Programme Academic Quality Committee Terms of Reference
- Kaupapa | Standing Orders
- Tikanga | Processes & Guidelines
- PAQC Information Sheet
- Committee OneDrive Link
1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening
1.1 Karakia
Manawa mai te mauri nuku Manawa mai te mauri rangi Ko te mauri kai au he mauri tipua Ka pakaru mai te pō Tau mai te mauri Haumi e, hui e, taiki e! | Embrace the power of the earth Embrace the power of the sky The power I have Is mystical And shatters all darkness Cometh the light Join it, gather it, it is done! |
1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome
- Welcome from the Chair
1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies
That the Committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.
- Helen Wrightson
Link to Attendance Tracker
1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s
That the Committee approve the minutes of the previous meeting(s) as being a true and accurate record.
1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising
That the Committee discuss any Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
1.6 Mahi Tātai | Work-plan
1.6.1 That the Committee discusses and approves the updates to the Committee Work-plan Actions table.
Note: The Committee work-plan is a combination of set elements from the Academic Quality Compliance Calendar and the Action Plans from PEP’s and Monitors/Consistency/Accreditation activities. The work-plan should be expressed as a series of actions to be monitored throughout the year.
1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea | Managing Risk
That the Committee receive the update from APM(s) to the risk register.
- CSTU Risk Register update – snapshot
- Reminder from HoS- Link to email
- Memo – change to Risk Reporting
- Example: APM to PAQC Risk action report
- APM to PAQC Risk action report SAMPLE
Link to PowerBI Portal
1.8 Key Quality Dates
- Programme Evaluation and Planning Report (PEP) Dates for 2020
- Degree Monitoring
- Bach Applied Science/Human Biology – 16&17 September 2020 (completed)
- Bach Health Social Development – 18 August 2020 (completed)
- Bach Sport – 16 May 2020 to re-schedule
- Bach Teaching Early Childhood Ed – 21 September 2020 (completed)
- Master Osteopathy – 16&17 September 2020 (completed)
- Next External Evaluation/Professional Accreditation Visit
- Osteopathy [TBA]
- Early Childhood Teaching [TBA]
- Next Consistency Review (Consistency Review Schedule)
- New Zealand Certificate in Sport and Recreation -19/02/2021
- New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching- 21/05/2021
- Next Programme Review (Programme Review Schedule)
- Bachelor of Teaching ECE – Semester 1, 2022
- Programme Development and Improvement Dates for 2021
2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve
2.1 Student Issues
That the Committee consider and approves a resolution for the following student issues:
- Student ID 1500274; BASHB programme, course HEAL6378 sem 1, 2019 (class 3213). Grade was not recorded correctly. Link to COG and Gradebook snapshot
- Any other items raised in meeting
2.2 Moderation
2.2.1 That the Committee discusses and approves the update to the Moderation Plans for Semester 2, 2020 to ensure that all courses (or standards) are moderated externally at least once every three years
- Link to Moderation updated Plan 1204
2.3 Retention of Assessment Materials
2.3.1 That the Committee discuss and confirm the arrangements to meet the requirement for the retention of assessment materials for all programmes.
Retention of Assessment Materials Nest Page
2.4 Grades
The following recommendation is needed to clarify the Procedure regarding its operation in the context of Police Studies.
2.4.1 That the Committee discuss and approve the resolution/procedure clarification of deferred grades for Police studies programme: when a deferral of their grade has been approved in agreement with NZ Police, will join a next available Moodle cohort on the understanding that they will meet its deadlines and assessment expectations. A Change of Grade form will be completed to finalise their grade.
- Link to PSPTS memo for approval
2.5 Student Progression
2.5.1 That the Committee approves that the following DSSM students be waived compulsory courses so they can complete the qualification.
Please note following students have completed at least 240 credits. Compulsory courses required are not currently run.
- Student ID 1141308, Diploma in Sport and Fitness Education
- Student ID 1305208, Diploma in Sport and Fitness Education
- Student ID 1416848, Diploma in Sport and Fitness Education
Link to DSSM students Progression reports
3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss
3.1 Grades
That the Committee discuss the following Grade Process:
- Compliance with timeline & schedule of dates for Grade approval meetings 1204- Link to GA schedule 1204 spreadsheet
3.2 Student Progress
3.2.1 That the Committee discuss course succession and retention rates for the following courses and programmes:
- Success and Retention data: PowerBI Portal
3.2.2 That the Committee discuss progress of initiatives for improved outcomes for priority groups for the following:
- EPI/ Priority Groups at whole course level: PowerBI Portal
- Students at Risk
3.3 Stakeholder Engagement
3.3.1 That the Committee discusses and updates the Programme Stakeholder Engagement Plan for 2020
- Schedule of dates and actions to be updated in the following link. IAC Actions update
3.3.2 That the Committee receive and discuss outcomes/feedback from the Industry Advisory Committee for MOST & BASHB programmes.
- Link to Minutes. Presented by APM
3.4 Student Evaluation of Courses
That the Committee discuss the information received & action plan regarding Student course evaluations- sem 2 2020
4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive
4.1. Governance Committee Reporting
4.1.1 That the Committee receive the following updates from other committees
- From QAB regarding most recent QAB meeting of 19 August:
- Outcome from the most recent Academic Board meeting:
4.1.2 That the Committee receives the following updates from other committees.
- Academic Board Minutes, Site – Te Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board (AB)
- QAB Minutes, Site – Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB)
- Ako Ahimura Minutes, Site – Ako Ahimura | Learning & Teaching (AALTC)
4.2. Delegated Authority & Subcommittee Reports
That the Committee receive the notification of the following delegated activities
- Grade Approvals Committee Semester 1, 2020 – Link to memos
4.3. Oversight Reporting
That the Committee receive and review the following quality oversight reporting
- Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP) Reports- CEP snapshot
- Affected Performance Considerations – APC Tracker update and APC update from Sue Crossan
- DEF and missing grades reporting- DEF update October 2020
5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing
5.1 Important Dates
- Next meeting: 23-11-2020
- PAQC Chair report due 12 October 2020
- Agenda item submission due two weeks prior to meeting
5.2 Committee Self-Assessment
- There has been a request to provide PAQCs with questions to support their self-assessment. The following are provided
- To what extent is the PAQC assured that the programmes for which it is accountable continue to be effectively managed? – Consider the 14 risk areas as a starting point.
- Has the PAQC struck the correct balance between planning for the future and reporting on the past?
5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
5.4 Karakia
Ka wehe atu tātou I raro i te rangimārie Te harikoa Me te manawanui Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē! | We are departing Peacefully Joyfully And resolute We are united, progressing forward! |
Version Tracking
First release: 2020-10-08