Regular Meeting of Bridging Education and Supported Learning PAQC
2pm – 3.30pm; 21 September 2020
Building 170, Room 1032
Chair: Clare Goodwin
Secretary: Fiona Riches
Meeting resources
- Programme Academic Quality Committee Terms of Reference
- Kaupapa | Standing Orders
- Tikanga | Processes & Guidelines
- PAQC Information Sheet
- Committee OneDrive Link
1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening
1.1 Karakia
Manawa mai te mauri nuku Manawa mai te mauri rangi Ko te mauri kai au he mauri tipua Ka pakaru mai te pō Tau mai te mauri Haumi e, hui e, taiki e! | Embrace the power of the earth Embrace the power of the sky The power I have Is mystical And shatters all darkness Cometh the light Join it, gather it, it is done! |
1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome
- Welcome from the Chair
1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies
That the Committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.
- Chris King
- Carly van Winkle
- Lucas Leitch
1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s
That the Committee approve the minutes of the previous meetings as being a true and accurate record.
1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising
That the Committee discuss any Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
- Items raised by members in the meeting
- Matters Arising
1.6 Mahi Tātai | Work-plan
1.6.1 That the Committee discusses and approves the updates to the Committee Work-plan Actions table.
1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea | Managing Risk
That the Committee receive the update from APM(s) to the risk register.
Update on Managing Risk Registers
- Memo – change to Risk Reporting
- Memo QAB to PAQC 20200907
- APM to PAQC Risk action report SAMPLE
- PAQC Thematic Report Memo_PAQC-Reporting_SM_20200811
- August 2020 Academic Risk Summary with amended recommendations 20200830
- Industry Engagement Framework excerpt
That the Committee receive the update from APMs to the risk register.
- NZC Skills for Living and Working (Level 1)
- NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 3)
- NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 4)
- All Bridging Education and Supported Learning
1.8 Key Quality Dates
- Programme Evaluation and Planning Report (PEP) Dates for 2020
- Programme Development and Improvement Dates for 2020
2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve
2.1 Moderation
That the Committee approve the response to the NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 4) (Screen Arts) External Moderation
2.2 Programme Evaluation & Planning Report (PEP)
That the Committee evaluates and approves the following Amended Interim Programme Evaluation and Planning Reports
The Interim 2020 PEPs were approved at the PAQC meeting of 10 September 2020. The PAQC required amendments which have been made. All PEPs have been sent to QAB.
- NZC Skills for Living and Working (Level 1)
- NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 3)
- NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 4)
2.3 Programme Developments and Improvements
2.3.1 That the Committee endorses the following Type 1 & 2 Change Applications (effective Semester 1, 2021), for submission to Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) for approval:
3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss
3.1. Consistency Review update
- NZC Study and Career Preparation (Level 4)
3.2. Hāpai Ō – Additional Support for Targeted Courses
4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive
4.1. Governance Committee Reporting
That the Committee receives the following updates from other committees.
- Updates from QAB Chair – Simon Tries (Chair QAB). [Supporting documents]
- Update from the Chair of Academic Board– AB Chair’s Report
- Academic Board Minutes, Site – Te Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board (AB)
- QAB Minutes, Site – Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB)
- Ako Ahimura Minutes, Site – Ako Ahimura | Learning & Teaching (AALTC)
4.2. Oversight Reporting
That the Committee receive and review the following quality oversight reporting
- Affected Performance Considerations (Volume by course, Themes, No. approval/declines) – PowerBI Portal
5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing
5.1 Important Dates
- Next meeting: 26 October 2020
- Agenda item submission due two weeks prior to meeting
5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
5.4 Karakia
Ka wehe atu tātou I raro i te rangimārie Te harikoa Me te manawanui Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē! | We are departing Peacefully Joyfully And resolute We are united, progressing forward! |
Version Tracking
First release: 2020-MM-DD