Electrical & Mechanical Engineering PAQC – Agenda 22 June

Regular Meeting of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering PAQC
Monday, 22 June 2020 – 1:15pm-3:00pm
Meeting: 110-2042
Chair: Glenn Nicholson
Secretary: Murali Valaboju

Meeting resources

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1 Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome

  1. Welcome from the Chair

1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

That the Committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.

  1. [name]
  2. [name]

Link to Attendance Tracker

1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

That the Committee approve the minutes of the previous meeting(s) as being a true and accurate record.

1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

That the Committee discuss any Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

  1. Discussed in Meeting

1.6 Mahi Tātai | Work-plan

That the Committee discusses and approves the updates to the Committee Work-plan Actions table.

  1. Action items from 2019 PEPs

Note: The Committee work-plan is a combination of set elements from the Academic Quality Compliance Calendar and the Action Plans from PEP’s and Monitors/Consistency/Accreditation activities. The work-plan should be expressed as a series of actions to be monitored throughout the year.

1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea  | Managing Risk

That the Committee receive the update from APM(s) to the risk register.

  1. ELEC Risk Registers – Incl. BAT & NZCEE

Link to PowerBI Portal

1.8 Key Quality Dates

  1. Programme Evaluation and Planning Report (PEP) Dates for Semester 2 Interim PEP 2020 TBA
  2. Next Degree Monitoring for [BAT 8-12 June 2020] – Degree Monitoring Schedule
  3. Next Consistency Review for [NZCEE] – Consistency Review Schedule
  4. Next Programme Review for [BAT, Sem 1, 2020] – Programme Review Schedule
  5. Programme Development and Improvement Dates for 2020

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

2.1 Student Issues

That the Committee consider and approves a resolution for the following escalated student issues:

  1. [Items tabled in meeting]

2.2 Moderation

2.2.1 That the Committee discusses and approves the update to the Moderation Plans for the following programmes

  1. BAT Moderation Plan
  2. NZCEE Moderation Plan

2.2.2 That the Committee approves an audit of progress of Moderation of courses for Semester 1 2020 to be reported to QAB in the next Chairs Report

QAB has asked for an update of progress against the Moderation plan. This will involve checking that CEPs are underway and have included confirmation that internal pre-moderation has been completed. Also the Committee is asked to confirm that all scheduled Post Moderation (Internal and External) is on track.

2.3 Grades

That the Committee approves the grades for March 2020 year 2 Skills:

  1. SKILLS year 2 GRADES
  2. Late Item

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

3.1 Program Developments and Improvements

That the Committee discusses the Bachelor of Applied Technology Programme Improvement application:

  1. BAT Programme Improvement Application
  2. Course to GPO Mapping
  3. GPO Mapping overview

These proposed changes require an updated Programme Document to be prepared prior to submission to AAC.

Notes: (Type 2 – Any if before 20 March for Sem2. For Sem1, L 7-10 if before 20 June or L1-6 if before 20 July) Notes: (Type 1 – if before 20 May or 10 Dec) 

3.2 Programme Development- Five-Year Review

That the Committee discuss the updates on the Bachelor of Applied Technology five-year review

3.3 Degree Monitoring

That the Committee determines a monitor visit date for the Bachelor of Applied Technology

3.4 Temporary changes to NCEA and UE due to Covid-19

Please see below NZQA notification of changes to NCEA for this year in light of the impact from Covid.

3.5 Student Evaluation of Courses

That the Committee discuss the process it will use to review the the themes & action plans based on feedback received from student course evaluations

  • Institutional Student Evaluations will be ready for review for the next Committee meeting. The PAQC needs to decide what material it wants to see to allow it to complete an evaluation and review of the outcomes.

3.6 Student Progress

That the Committee discuss any potential affect on course succession and retention rates due to Covid 19.

  1. Success and Retention data: PowerBI Portal
  2. EPI/ Priority Groups at whole course level: PowerBI Portal
  3. Students at Risk [link to data]

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1. Governance Committee Reporting

That the Committee receives the following updates from other committees.

  1. Updates from QAB 02/06/2020 – Simon Tries (Chair QAB). [Supporting documents]
  2. Update from the Chair of Academic Board– AB Chair’s Report (May 2020)

4.2. Delegated Authority & Subcommittee Reports

That the Committee receive the notification of the following delegated activities

  1. That the Committee receive the following deferred grades resolution
  2. That the Committee notes the 20200521 GAC minutes

4.3. Oversight Reporting

That the Committee receive and review the following quality oversight reporting

  1. Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP) Reports (CEP Dashboard) – PowerBI Portal
  2. Affected Performance Considerations (Volume by course, Themes, No. approval/declines) – PowerBI Portal
  3. Resubmissions/Reassessment (Volume by course, Themes, No. approval/declines) – PowerBI Portal
  4. Unit and Achievement Standards (Review of Versions for next delivery cycle) – [link to report]

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1 Important Dates

  • Next meeting: 03-08-2020
  • Agenda item submission due two weeks prior to meeting

5.2 Committee Self-Assessment

  • Topic: [TBA provided by QAB]-PAQC Self-Assessment for 2020

5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)

5.4 Karakia

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!


Version Tracking

First release:  2020-06-19