Preparing for a Monitor’s Visit

Preparing for a Monitor Visit

External monitoring is, according to Unitec policy, to be conducted on a yearly cycle.

The linked Degree Monitoring Process provides the step-by-step process of setting monitors in place, hosting their visits, and responding afterward to the report that they write evaluating the degree programmes they were contracted to review. The agenda template will be supplied by Te Korowai Kahurangi.

Documents for a Monitor’s visit

Documents for the Monitor are collated by the Business Administrator or other School Staff in collaboration with the Academic Programme Manager. This document package is known as the ‘Self-Evaluation Report’ and includes the PEP and other documents as required. The material that should be covered includes:

  • Last monitor report
  • Response to last monitor report and current updates
  • How the institution has addressed any recommendations from the initial evaluation report and/or the most recent monitor’s report
  • Enrolment information since last report
  • Learner retention and achievement information
  • Graduate destination information
  • Research output
  • Staff professional development activities
  • Internal and external moderation activities, and follow-up actions
  • Feedback from learners, teaching staff and external stakeholders
  • Consultation with external stakeholders including Advisory panel
  • Changes to the programme and/or its delivery since the last report
  • Current list of staff and their profile
  • Staffing changes since the last report
  • Current resources to maintain delivery of the programme
  • Research/Scholarly activities of staff
  • Significant issues and challenges

Appointing a new/renewing a current Monitor

For an existing Monitor: The Business Administrator (BA) will renew the contract for the coming year on advice from the HoS/APM.

For a new Monitor: HoS or delegate /APM will propose to the Director, Te Korowai Kahurangi a new appointment for a Unitec Monitor where a contract has completed a three-year cycle. Once approval has been given, the Business Administrator (BA) will create a contract for Unitec Monitor (please note that each contract must be renewed annually).



Degree Monitoring Process


PAQC Response Form

Monitor Contract Schedule

Relevant Policies and Procedures

AC 7.0 Academic Evaluation, Review and Improvements Policy

AC 7.3 Degree Monitoring Procedure

NZQA Guidance

Monitoring of Programmes Level 7 and above

Guidelines for monitoring programmes leading to diplomas, degrees and related qualifications at levels 7 to 10


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at