Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC)

Rōpū Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC)

A Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC) is formally delegated the authority and responsible for the approval of grades on behalf of their Te Komiti o ngā Hotaka | Programme Academic Quality Committee (PAQC) for designated courses within specified programmes.

Grade Approval Processes

Each GAC is granted authority to approve grades for a defined range of courses on behalf of the PAQC and the decisions of the sub-committee are deemed to be the final decision on the approval of grades.

Teacher responsibilities

Teachers work with their Administrator, Academic Quality (AAQ) to check that the Gradebook for each course is set up correctly before teaching starts.

Throughout the course the Teacher monitors progress and attendance of their students.

After completing the marking for each assessment in the course, teachers enter marks in the Gradebook within 10 working days. They also make any notes regarding any special considerations to be made at final grade approval.

Detailed information for teachers is available and in the resources section.

Grade Approvals Subcommittee (GAC) Meetings

Grade ratification occurs via a formal GAC meeting. Meetings will be scheduled as required according to the needs of each programme. Members attending the scheduled GAC meeting will:

  • Consider results for each course as lodged in Gradebook
  • Consider any recommended actions for students as provided by teaching staff in the student comments field (See note below)
  • Consider and award any Administrative Grades / PC adjusted grade that are allowed within Programme Regulations as required, incl:
    • Approve a Deferred Grade (DEF) for a student who has been given an extension of time to submit, or resubmit an outstanding assessment
    • Approve a Did Not Complete Grade (DNC) for any student who did not submit a piece of compulsory assessment
    • Approve a Restricted Pass (R) where appropriate for a student who has narrowly failed and where the PAQC considers that marginal failure is compensated by good overall performance.
  • Approve final grades for courses that have a complete set of grades. Noting that: Final grades for a course cannot be posted until all grades are entered
  • Request more information for courses that are not complete and cannot be approved
  • Confirm any communication required regarding decisions of the committee to specified students
  • Escalate any cases to PAQC that cannot be resolved
  • Approve any outstanding Deferred Grade (DEF) results from previous semesters

Once ratified, grades are then published and notified to the PAQC.

GACs may also propose the Award of Honours and Senior Scholar Awards and Exclusion from a Course or Programme to the PAQC for approval.

Note: All grades for a course must be made final no later than 10 working days following the end date of the course.

Communication with Students about Decision Outcomes

AAQs will ‘post’ final grades according to the decisions made by the GAC. Students will then be able to access their grades via MyUnitecPortal.

AAQ’s will also ensure that all formal decisions made by the committee that need to be directly relayed to a student (such as a Deferral, Restricted Pass, etc.) are communicated in a timely manner.

GAC Terms of Reference

Hoaketanga | Purpose of the GAC has been established under PAQC responsibilities and are focussed on:

  • Student support and achievement – To monitor and safeguard the fair treatment and wellbeing of students, including their progress through their programmes; and
  • Academic quality outcomes – To ensure quality assurance for all academic provision is undertaken in accordance with relevant institute policies and procedures;

Rangatiratanga | Authority and Responsibilities of the GAC are:

  • To approve Grades for assigned courses in accordance with the Unitec Assessment, Moderation and Grades Policy; Assessment and Grades Procedures and Regulations; and the relevant programme regulations;
  • To ensure there are no missing grades;
  • To consider any recommended actions for students as provided by teaching staff including resubmission, reassessment, extension, etc.;
  • To oversee the allocation of administrative grades including Did Not Complete (DNC), Estimated (#), Restricted Pass (R) and Deferred (DEF) grades in accordance with Regulation;
  • To approve any outstanding grades (incl. DEF) from previous semesters;
  • confirm any communication required regarding decisions of the committee to specified students;
  • To report to the PAQC on matters arising from the grade ratification process, including escalating any cases that cannot be resolved by the sub-committee.

Whakauru | Membership of the GAC will comprise:

  • The Academic Programme Manager for each programme for which the sub-committee is responsible;
  • PAQC Chair and/or PAQC Deputy Chair (or their delegate);
  • Academic staff responsible for grade input for courses allocated to the sub-committee (voting members as determined by the need of each sub-committee);
  • Administrator, Academic Quality for theProgrammes (non-voting member);
  • Additional members co-opted as necessary for a defined period or specific purpose.

The term of office of appointed members will be two years.

Kaiwhakahaere | Management of the GAC will be the responsibility of a PAQC appointed ‘convener’. the appointed ‘convener’ will act as the chair of the Rōpū. the convener will usually be a Senior Academic Staff member who is familiar with quality systems, policy and regulation as it relates to grade approvals. The convener of the GAC will have the authority to communicate the outcomes of any meeting to Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrators who will then post the results.

Any ad-hoc or out of sequence grade/result approvals that are unable to be considered and approved in a GAC meeting will be considered by the convener, who will make recommendations to the PAQC Chair who may approve the actions via ‘Chairs Actions’. In this case the PAQC Chair will communicate the outcomes of the Grade Approvals to Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrators who will post the results.

Useful Resources


Grade Approval Process – Teacher Preparation

Grade Approval Process – Grade Subcommittees


Grade Approval Sub-Committee Terms of Reference

Relevant Policies and Procedure

AC 2.0 Assessment Moderation and Grades Policy

AC 2.1 Assessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations

AC 3.0 Programme Completion and Awards Policy


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at