Update: October 2019

2019 End of Year PEPs 

2019 End of Year PEPs

The Quality Alignment Board has confirmed that Āta-kōrero: Evaluative Conversations for the 2019 End of Year Programme Evaluations will occur across 2 December 2019 to 7 February 2020. Reports will be due 21 February 2020. A Badge is to be developed for Āta-kōrero Facilitator training. The template is to be confirmed October 2019.

PAQC Review

The review of Programme Academic Quality Committees is almost complete. Watch out in 2020 for new Terms of Reference, a dedicated webpage, an annual workplan and other resources to streamline and empower these committees.

Dashboard Training

Several Dashboards are available to those with PowerBI licences to aid your self-evaluation. If you would like to learn how to find your way around them contact tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz to book your individual or team training session.

Policy Review

We are really grateful to all those who made the effort to offer feedback on the review of the Academic Appeals Policy and the Special Assessment Circumstances Policy. It is greatly appreciated! Both are now being updated in line with feedback received, to be submitted to the Academic Board for approval.

We are currently reviewing the Assessment Moderation and Grades policy with the help of APMs.

Exam Review

Exams have been under review. We are looking to make sure that regulations are current, there are consistent processes operating in Schools, and students experience an improved process from Semester 1, 2020.

Coming Soon:

  • The Policy and Process for making changes to courses and programmes is about to be updated. Watch this space.
  • A small change to the Degree Monitoring process is on its way.

The approval window to apply for Programme Developments for delivery in 2020 has now closed.