Social Practice PAQC – Agenda 01 April

Regular Meeting of Social Practice PAQC
2.30pm, Wednesday 1st April, 2020
Via Zoom
Chair:  David McNabb (Acting)

Meeting resources

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1 Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome

  1. Introduction to the new Committee [Chair & Steve Marshall]

1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  1. [name]
  2. [name]

1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

  1. 2019 EoY PEP BSP FINAL
  2. 2019 EoY PEP MAP-SP FINAL

1.6 Ngā Tautapu Arotake | Actions for Review

  1. Discussion in committee

1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea  | Managing Risk

  1. Link to risk register for review

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

2.1 That the PAQC approve the Social Practice PAQC Membership 2020

  1. That the PAQC approve the Social Practice PAQC Membership 2020 [link]
  2. PAQC Student Reps – The decision was made last year that the student reps for PAQCs would be appointed from among the class student reps within the programmes represented in your PAQC. Finding students who can act as members of the PAQC is expected to be managed by PAQC Chairs/APMs. Once located, the Chair can make the appointment under the PAQC Terms of Reference. There is no need to seek other endorsement for the appointment. Student Reps (2) will be paid for their work on the PAQC.

2.2 Social Practice Programme Development Group

  1. That the PAQC approves the Convenor and associated members of the Programme Development Group
  2. Discuss the set-up and processes associated with the Social Practice PDG
  3. Notes the approval dates for Type 1 and Type 2 changes to Programmes and Courses for 2020

2.3 Response to Monitors Report

  1. That the PAQC approves the PAQC Response to BSP Monitor 2019

2.4 Grades

  1. Exclusions and Third Time Enrolment
  2. Other Student Issues
    • ID 1496545 (CW) Student would like to do a resubmission for two papers, Advocacy and Social Policy, Peter Mathewson class for semester one 2019.
    • ID 1036413 (LT) Student request to re-enrol into Management and Organisational Change 2020.
    • PAQC Approval –- Enrolment process request – MAP Level 8 courses CISC8000/01/02/05/06/12-14 – updated to ‘Dept Consent’
    • ID 1031124 (MG) EXAMINATION AND MODERTION: dissertation
    • Suspension of Study – Letters to be sent MAP
    1272052 (DB) 2020 Semester  1
    1297188 (LV) 2020 Semester  1
    1364174 (NN) 2020 Semester  1
    1459215 (NB) 2019 Semester 2
    1496868 (SG) 2020 Semester  1 and Semester 2

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

3.1 Student Handbooks

  1. Program material completed and Staff list finalised for deployment to the associated Student Handbooks. – AAQ’s working on updating and uploading for 2020

3.2 Moderation

  1. The PAQC to update Moderation Plan
  2. Confirm MOU/Contracts in place for External Moderation- Completed for BSP
  3. External Moderation Responses completed for BSP 2019

External Moderation due to be completed 2020

HCSP4403 Semester One – CSTU5164, CSTU6232,  CSTU6236, CSTU6242 CISC8000
HCSP4406 Semester 2 –  CSTU5168, CSTU5170, CSTU6238, CSTU7914, CSTU7923 CISC8002

3.3. Degree Monitoring

  1. Confirm dates for Monitoring – 2020. – 3rd June 2020 for BSP and 4 June 2020 for MAP – Monitor Carol Adamson
  2. Verbal update on Monitoring suspension due to Covid-19 (Steve Marshall)
  3. BSP – Monitor Report Visit 10, 11 September 2019, Report received 25 October 2019 and Response completed March 2020

3.4. Delegated Authority

  1. Discuss Delegated Authority to any individuals for things such as Credit Recognition, Admissions, Affected Performance Consideration, etc. – Aulola Lino for APC’s (will consult with related academic staff)

3.5. Grades

  1. Missing Grades from 2019 (Can be delegated to the Grade Approval Sub- committee)

3.5. PEP

  1. Discuss progress on PEP and mechanism for PAQC review. BSP, MAP, NZCHW PEP all completed for 2019

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1. Governance Committee Reporting

4.1.1 Quality Alignment Board (QAB) Update

  1. Verbal Update – Steve Marshall: Site – Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB)

4.1.2 Academic Board (AB) Update

  1. Verbal Update – Steve Marshall: Site – Te Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board (AB)
  2. For the information of the Committee:

4.1.3 Committee Quality Calendar for 2020

  1. PAQC Quality Calendar 2020

4.2. Oversight Reporting

  1. Affected Performance Considerations – [Live link to BI Report}
  2. Degree Monitoring – [Live link to Bi Tool]
  3. Consistency Reviews – Tracker

4.3. Komiti āpiti Rīpoata | Subcommittee Reports

  1. Grade Approval Subcommittee [not yet met]
  2. Admissions and Enrolments Link to Reports

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1 Important Dates

  • Next submissions due:  17 April 2020
  • Next meeting:  28 May 2020 (Second meeting for 2020)

5.2 Committee Self-Assessment

5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)

5.4 Karakia

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!


Version Tracking

First release:  2020-03-31