Unitec Reporting

Te Korowai Kahurangi undertake analysis across a number of different academic quality systems and produce reports and reporting tools to support teaching staff and management, including on Student Course Surveys and the Graduate Survey. Several Dashboards available via Power BI now provide up-to-date views of our data. High level Institutional Reporting submitted to Academic Committees is made available to all.

Te Korowai Kahurangi continue to develop our availability of student performance data and suite of Power BI dashboards, below is a summary of recent updates and features.

01 Student EPI Dashboard – TEC Data (TKK) Link to Dashboard

This is updated 3 times a year using data sent to TEC and provides reporting on our education performance indicators (EPIs).

This dashboard has been updated with the most recent SDR data refresh (24 Aug) which has had an impact on our EPIs as grades continue to be processed.  The following new features have been added to the dashboard.

  • Funding Source has been added as a filter throughout the dashboard
  • Qualification Completion Rate Priority Matrix – plots programmes by value (EFTS delivered) and QCR to help prioritise programmes that need priority attention
  • SCC – QCR Gap Analysis – A profile of the variance between successful course completion rates (SCC) and qualification completion rates (QCR) by school, programme & priority group
  • Understanding Progression – provides underlying data that calculates Progression to higher levels

02 Live Data Dashboard (TKK) Link to Dashboard

This dashboard refreshes overnight which draws directly from Peoplesoft. It is a interactive dashboard which allows you to view and filter data by a number of variables (institute, school, programme, course, priority groups, formal and informal qualification, missing and deferred grades) by calendar year as well as semester. It provides student performance data such as Successful Course Completion (SCC), EFTs, Headcount, Grade distribution includes missing, deferred and official withdrawn grades.

This dashboard has been recently updated with the following new features added:

  • Created separate summary pages for Institute – School – Prog – Course reports.
  • Separated Calendar year and Semester reports.
  • Added course NZSCED (New Zealand Standard Classification of Education) fields of study code break down and student ID in Course Summary pages.
  • Added new filter “Remove missing & DEF grades” so staff can exclude missing and DEF grades to see the actual SCC% on the confirmed and published grades only. This aligns with what was provided to EER overview summary regarding 2020 sem 1 SCC%.

03 Student Course Surveys Dashboard (TKK) Link to Dashboard

This has been updated with semester 1 2020 data and reporting on student contribution has been added.

08 Student NPS Dashboard Link to Dashboard

This has been updated with semester 1 2020 data.

13 CEP Online Dashboard_Sem1 2020 (TKK) Link to Dashboard

This is updated daily and provides a collation of all the completed sem 1 CEPs data into an easy format by school, programme and course evaluation.

14 CEP Online Dashboard_Sem2 2020 (TKK) Link to Dashboard

Reporting on Sem 2 CEPs are currently available.

07 Student Support Services (Student Success)   Link to Dashboard

The Student Support Services (Student Success) has been enhanced with the number of students who have accessed one of the student support services or library within the first 6 months of 2020.  It includes additional analysis of IT needs provided during lockdown through the Student Support team, Attendance and Risk Registers for International students, and analysis of students registered with Access4Success, and more.

11 Research Dashboard (Research Office) Link to Dashboard

Data is collected against in order to gauge progress toward four research goals in the Unitec Research Strategy. They are;

  • Industry Funded Projects: research and enterprise projects Unitec is receiving funding for, where the organisation is private sector or public sector and where the service Unitec is providing is applied contract research or consultancy.
  • External Research Income (ERI): income received from external sources for research purposes.
  • Research Productivity: most staff teaching on degree level programmes at Unitec are engaged in research.
  • Quality Assured Research Outputs: research publications and creative outputs that have been through a peer-reviewed process or have been specifically commissioned.

 The BI Dashboard shows progress for these goals, at institutional and school level. We have updated the dashboard in conjunction with Tūāpapa Rangahau (Unitec research office) which provides trending data from 2016 to 2019.

Unitec Reporting Document Resources Library

You can also use the search box at the top of the page to find the document that you want.

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your TKK Insights Team by email at tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz.