Statutory Declaration

Unitec’s Statutory Declaration to NZQA

Every year, the Chief Executive of each tertiary education organisation is required to make a statutory declaration attesting that their organisation is compliant with certain sections of the Education and Training Act 2020 (formerly the Education Act 1989) and with Rules made under the Act.

The statutory declaration is supported by input from programme teams as well as central services such as Te Korowai Kahurangi, Tūāpapa Rangahau, and Academic Operations.

The bulk of the statutory declaration seeks assurance Unitec’s enrolment of students and delivery of its programmes and training schemes is compliant with legislated requirements. We achieve assurance through an attestation (in the form of a questionnaire) from each relevant Manager/Director.

Additional information about the statutory declaration is available on NZQA’s website:

30 April All questionnaires completed
3-14 May Analysis of Results

Development of any required action plans

17 May Statutory Declaration and supporting documentation provided to Chief Executive

Summary of outcomes from Statutory Declaration submitted to Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board

By 31 May Statutory Declaration signed and submitted to NZQA
2 June Outcome of Statutory Declaration process considered by Te Poari Whai Kounga
2 June ➜ Te Poari Whai Kounga maintains oversight of completion of any relevant actions resulting from the process

Unitec’s statutory declaration, including any associated action plan, is due to NZQA no later than 31 May each year.

Links to the questions in each questionnaire can be viewed in the links on the right ➡︎



See KEQ 6 of 2021 EoY PEP

Statutory Declaration Training Scheme (including Micro-credentials) Questions

Relevant Policies and Procedures

Academic Statute

NZQA Guidance

NZQA Statutory Declaration

NZQA Statutory Declaration page

Education and Training Act 2020

Education Act 1989

NZQA Rules

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at