Changing a Grade

All Change of Grade (COG) requests must be made through the Online form from 1 April 2022.

The online Change of Grades form is available from the link below: 

Change of Grade Form  

How it works: 

 1.   The Academic staff member completes the online change of grade form and submits it. 

 2.   The Convener of the Grade Approval Committee (or their delegate) receives and assesses the request. 

 If the request is approved:

          a.   The change request will be processed by Te Korowai Kahurangi*. 

          b.   You will be notified by email when the change is processed. 

 If the request is declined:

          a.   You will be notified by email. 

          b.   The declined request will be withdrawn.

          c.   You will need to discuss with the Grade Approval Committee Convener (or their delegate) the reason for the decline, and resubmit a new request if required. 

3.   The Change of Request outcome is noted at PAQC.

Change of Grade Overview: 

From time to time it may be necessary to request that a final posted grade be changed. This may result from an amended assessment outcome or due to a whole course outcome being endorsed via any of the following: 

  • the result of a completed approved Re-assessment/Re-submission; 
  • the result of an assessed Affected Performance Consideration (APC – formerly SAC); 
  • the result of a decision associated with a Student Appeal; 
  • The delivery of a Late Grade, which was not available at the time of posting; 
  • The requirement to Rescale Grades following recommendation from Moderation (usually External Moderation), or some other analysis or review of the course outcomes; or 
  • An Administrative Error. 

 In all cases the change of grade must be approved by the Rōpū Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC). 

What it involves 

Academic staff complete, in full, the Change of Grade Form  providing a detailed explanation for why the change needs to be made, including any commentary about why the grades were late if that is the reason for the change. The form also records the student’s current grade and the proposed new grade.  

This is submitted online to your Grade approval Chair or delegate who either approves it or declines it.  The PAQC will be notified once the process has been completed. 


Special Arrangements for processing of Historical Grade Changes

Historical Grade Changes may be classified as changes to Grades that have already been reported via the Single Data Return (SDR) to TEC and cannot be updated. (see below for SDR reporting timeframes). Occasionally, requests are made to change grades outside of standard timeframes. This may come about as a result of any of the following: 

  • the result of a decision associated with a Student Appeal; or 
  • An Administrative Error. 

 SDR timeframes: 

The SDR is the report which provides all Unitec student information (enrolments, grades, etc.) to TEC. The timing changes year to year but is typically: 

  • Mid January 
  • Mid March 
  • Mid August 

Any course enrolment that has not had a grade reported against it by the third SDR submission following the course end date is automatically classified as a “fail” in the SDR (as per TEC rules). A DNC in PeopleSoft must usually be entered to ensure consistency of Unitec and TEC records. 


Online Form 

Online Change of Grade Form  


 Word version 

Word version Change of Grade Form (Only to be used in case of system error) 


  1. For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at