Continuous Improvement

What is on in the Continuous Improvement Space

As part of the Operations Action Plan there are four key deliverable improvement projects scheduled for 2020. The initiatives aim to enhance the customer experience of our students and staff who engage in processes related to the application and enrolment lifecycle.

These can  be noted as the following:

  • Admission, Enrolment & Fees Policy – Phase 2

Embed required  changes from updated Fees & Admissions Policy

Consistent tool for Operational processes in use and available to partners. Single source of truth in a consistent format – used by Operations staff and available for our partners (transparency)

  • Ngā tauira whakapōtae
  • Project Waharoa

All Operations Improvement Initiatives will be implemented using Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodology and Design Thinking.

 What is Lean Six Sigma?

  • Lean Six Sigma is collaborative improvement methodology that seeks to improve business process performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation in business processing.
  • Lean six sigma not only reduces process defects and waste, but also provides a framework for overall organisational culture change.
  • There are eight key areas of business process waste and be defined as:

What is Design Thinking

  • Design thinking is a process methodology for creative problem solving and encourages organizations to focus on the people they’re creating for which leads to human-centered products, services, and internal processes.
  • The method consists of 5 phases—Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test and is most useful when you want to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknown.


Where to find us

The Wagener – B110-2039. You’ll find us upstairs on Level 2, alongside the Enrolment Set Up & Enrolment Processing Teams. Come say Hi!

Key contacts

Jenny Ingram-Tung – Operations Manager

Cici Meng – Specialist – Continuous Improvement

Dan Brady  – Director of Enrolment & Academic Operations (Sponsor)

Keep Up to Date

Check in regularly on each of these projects to see what’s happening. We will keep you updated here. If you have any ideas or want to give feedback email us on