EER update: What we’ve achieved and what’s next…

We’re seven weeks away from our EER review and a lot has been achieved but there’s plenty more to do, and to make sure everyone is ready.

The EER review panel will be on campus, Waitakere and Mt Albert, from 5 November and have a very full schedule. They have shared with us their initial thinking around focus areas, which should be confirmand by the end of next week. Our EER project team, led by Debra Robertson-Welsh and Chris King, will be providing all areas with a support plan.

The EER requires a whole institute approach, so we all have a part to play and can influence the outcome. Your programme may not be selected as a focus area so we will be recruiting some of you into the support team and will be in touch about this later. Even if you’re not directly involved in the review, you do need to be prepared as anyone on campus can be approached by a reviewer. We will be providing some options, including additional workshops and presentations, so you can better understand what this may involve. In the meantime, do speak to your manager if you have any specific questions and you can also –

  • Go to our Nest EER page and read through some of the recent communications
  • Email us at
  • Come along to a Lunchtime chat with ELT to ask any questions you may have (go to the Nest calendar for more info):

> Wednesday 3 October – 12.30-1.30pm: B001-2070 The Chapel, Mt Albert
> Wednesday 10 October – 12.00-1.00pm: B510-1035 Waitakere
> Thursday 18 October – 12.30-1.30pm: B182-2001 Mt Albert

What has our EER team been focused on?

A lot of people have done a huge amount of work towards getting us on track, their time and effort is really appreciated. In the last few weeks a couple of significant milestones have been met which includes –

  • The submission of our self-assessment summary report to the NZQA panel
  • The new Academic Dashboard is up and running – a really important resource for our Academic Leaders. It’s the only place to go to for programme performance data that is a valuable tool for Programme Evaluation Plans (PEPs)
  • An EER recommendations and response tracker has been completed which outlines the eight key recommendations made in the EER 2016 report. Against each of these recommendations a response has been mapped, including the action we’ve taken, how effective this has been and what data we have to back this up

What’s the current focus?

  • Strengthening PEPs – a focus area for the evaluators. The Academic Dashboard is a great resource for this. Also getting grades in as soon as possible is really important as this impact our educational performance
  • All our teachers have been asked to complete at least one ‘teacher capability credential’ by the end of the year and a series of workshops are underway to support this. These are all listed in the Nest events calendar (use the Learning & Development dropdown)

So keep up the great work and the focus on creating a category 1 culture. The EER process we’re going through is the journey to keep Category 1 on track and in sight for 2020.


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