Five staff members selected for PBRF review panels

Haydo Reinders

Christoph Schnoor


Five of our academics have been selected for membership on the Assessment Panels for the 2018 Performance Based Research Funding (PBRF) staff quality assessment, run by the Tertiary Education Commission.

It’s the largest number of Unitec staff selected since the PBRF began in 2003 and is a competitive, and influential appointment. Congratulations to:

  • Professor Hayo Reinders – Head of Education; Education Panel
  • Professor Jonathan Leaver – Associate Professor Engineering; Engineering, Technology & Architecture Panel
  • Associate Professor Christoph Schnoor – Associate Professor and Academic Leader, Architecture; Engineering, Technology & Architecture Panel
  • Dr James Prescott – Senior Lecturer and Academic Leader, Business Practice; Pacific Research Panel
  • Associate Professor Evangelia Papoutsaki – Associate Professor and Lecturer, Business Practice; Social Sciences & Other Cultural/Social Studies Panel

Evangelia Papoutsaki

James Prescott

What is the PBRF?

The purpose of the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) is to ensure that excellent research in the tertiary education sector is encouraged and rewarded.  This means assessing the research performance of tertiary education organisations (TEOs) and then funding them on the basis of their performance.

Jonathan Leaver




What does it mean to be a member on the Assessment Panel?

Panel members are appointed for their subject area knowledge and reputation, and expertise in assessing research. Around a quarter of all panel members will based overseas. The panellists will assess the quality of research in a specific subject area and assign a Quality Category to each researcher’s portfolio. The Staff Quality Evaluation is held once every six years and comprises the most significant part of a TEO’s involvement with the PBRF. There are currently 237 panellists, across 13 panels, such as Education, Pacific Research and Engineering, Technology and Architecture.

Marcus Williams said it takes tremendous effort to achieve the reputation required to be appointed to a PBRF panel  and he acknowledged both the work done to deemed to have the expertise sought be the Panels and the work that being a panellist will involve.

You can read the panellist announcement on the TEC website.








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