STEPtember is back. Sign up this week!

STEPtember is back. Join the movement!

We’re excited to say that STEPtember is back, kicking off on Tuesday 4 September, and Unitec is getting involved again!

The money raised by teams across all of New Zealand will help Kiwis living with cerebral palsy. In 2017 we raised $995.00 for a truly life changing cause! This year we are going to smash that result and go even bigger.

And the Wellness team will shout morning tea for the Unitec team with the most steps!

Let’s step up and sign up right now! using the organisation name and payment code: Unitec. When you use this code, your registration fee will be waived.

The challenge is to take 10,000 steps a day for 28 days straight – you’ll get a FREE pedometer to track your steps. The average office worker takes only 3,000 steps a day, so STEPtember is a great way to boost your own fitness, while doing something great for kids and adults with cerebral palsy. And it’s not just walking that counts – other forms of physical activity, like boot camp, swimming or biking will also contribute to your 10,000 step tally.

All you have to do is:

  • Organise a team of four colleagues, and nominate one person as your team captain.
  • The team captain registers online (using the’organisation name’ and ‘team payment code’: Unitec so that all team members’ registration costs are waived).
  • Each team member will receive an email invitation which they click on to complete their registration.
  • Ask your family and friends to sponsor you, or simply make a donation yourself.
  • You’ll each receive a pedometer to track your steps.
  • Start the challenge! Find ways to increase your physical activity, it could be through walking meetings, parking further away, going for a team or family bike ride…the opportunities are endless!

Lots of us here at Unitec will be taking part (in 2016 we had 48 teams involved!), so there’ll be no shortage of people to keep you motivated.

Kids and adults living with cerebral palsy are counting on us – and every one of us who takes part means more money raised.

Join us to uphold a proud Unitec tradition and sign up for Steptember now.

For more information, head to the Steptember website.

2 comments on “STEPtember is back. Sign up this week!

  1. Antoinette Wessels on

    Kia ora nice people who are organising this,

    I am being brave here and am asking the following: If there are an extra pedometer after all the entrees were received, can it by any chance be issued to a friend of mine? She is not with Unitec, but since we are both middle aged and overweight (-: we decided to start walking together two mornings a week before work. We could also log her steps for Unitec if this is possible.


  2. Maja Zidov on

    Hey Antoinette! That is exactly the spirit of the challenge – getting more people involved in fundraising efforts and cheering each other on to reach the goal. I am happy to pass on my pedometer to your friend (will use phone instead). I will check whether we can make her steps count but think that as long as she is part of your team it should not be a problem… I will leave pedometer for you at ‘ask me’ desk later today.

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