Sheikh Rafat Najm joins the Chaplaincy team

Sheikh Rafat Najm is New Zealand’s only Muslim chaplain and he has just joined Unitec’s Chaplaincy team.

Unitec’s team of volunteer chaplains offers a range of services to support an inclusive approach to spirituality for students and staff of all faiths. Coordinating Chaplain, Ricky Waters, said: “While we’ve been operating as a multi-faith team for many years, Sheikh Rafat is our first Muslim appointment. Like all of our other chaplains, he will work with people of all faiths, but he obviously brings specialist Muslim knowledge to help those students (or staff) who specifically request it.“

Sheikh Rafat is a Muslim Scholar, who studied Islamic studies at Al Azhar University, and has a BA in Law and Islamic Law. He is a New Zealand citizen from Arab decent (Egyptian) and he has lived in NZ since 1997. He has been working as the Muslim adviser to AUT’s students and staff since 2007.

We asked Sheikh Rafat a few questions about his new role.

Why did you decide to take the role at Unitec?

I’ve been working with Ricky in an unofficial capacity for around 10 years, providing advice on Muslim concerns when needed. So Unitec is very familiar to me and the role is a natural extension of that work. I’ve been overwhelmed by the welcome I’ve received and the interest people have expressed in what I do.

What are your aims for the role?

I’m always looking for opportunities to bring people together to share different perspectives and discuss issues in a harmonious way. My starting point is always a focus on respect and understanding, so my role is about encouraging that in people’s interactions with each other.

I’m also particularly interested in exploring the connection between spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing, and the need for a holistic approach to advice that considers all three aspects.

When can people make an appointment or refer someone to see you?

Initially, I’ll be working at Unitec on Thursdays so people can make an appointment to meet with me by emailing or call on 0211340501.

Muslim support at Unitec

We have three Muslim prayer rooms which are available for use any time during our campus opening hours.

  • At Mt Albert: Building 158 and Building 1, Room 1196 (available 24/7 via access code)
  • At Waitākere: Building 510, Room 3033

And anyone who would like to find out more about spirituality and religious diversity, can register for our Engaging with Religious Diversity workshops. The next one is on 7 September.

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