Changes to the Library and Student Experience teams

The Library and Student Experience teams have recently gone through a change proposal to help create a more seamless student experience across the two teams. Originally, the teams had different reporting lines but have now been brought together under the name: Student Success, reporting into Glenn McKay, Tumu Tauwhirowhiro Māori and Director of Student Success. 

The change proposal was instigated and developed by the heads of both teams, Verity Jade (GM Student Experience) and Moira Fraser (Library Director). They could see the benefits that would come from providing a one-team approach within the Te Puna space, so worked with their teams to create the proposal for a new structure. Amongst other benefits, this will reduce the need for work to be passed between teams, create a model for specialist services under a common manager and bring student engagement activity in-house.

As a result of the change proposal and consultation process, the following roles have been disestablished:

  • General Manager Student Experience 
  • Library Director 
  • Manager Services, Library 
  • Manager Student Engagement (vacant role)
  • Student Computer Centre Supervisor 
  • Customer Service Specialist (vacant role) 
  • Phased approach to discontinue casual roles within Library and Ask Me teams 

New roles within the revised structure are:

  • Director Student Success – reporting to the Tumu Tauwhirowhiro Māori & Executive Director Student Experience 
  • Manager Student Connections & Engagement – reporting to the Director Student Success 
  • Team Leader Knowledge Specialists – reporting to the Manager, Learning and Achievement 
  • New semester only (39 weeks per year) Customer Service Assistant positions within the Customer Service team 

Some roles have reporting line changes and minor changes to the Position Description: 

  • Manager Student Wellbeing – reporting to the Director Student Success 
  • Manager Learning & Achievement – reporting to the Director Student Success 
  • Manager Resources – reporting to the Director Student Success 
  • Knowledge Specialists – reporting to the Team Leader Knowledge Specialists 

Other minor change:

  • Customer Service Specialist will now be titled Customer Service Team Leaders  

 The new roles are currently out for recruitment and applications close on 1 June. The intention is that the new structure will be in place by July.


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