Industry Partnerships

We are a service team encompassing Industry Partnerships, Alumni Services and Micro-credentials who partner with you, Unitec staff, as we support the engagement of our industry partners and community stakeholders.


How can we support you and your external relationships?

  • Manage Client Relationship Management (CRM) system to track and report on your Schools’ industry engagement
  • Partner in the development of new products (programmes, short courses etc.) to ensure Unitec responds to regional skills demand
  • Support industry input for current programmes, including employer feedback and co-curricular partners development
  • Oversee Industry Advisory Committees
  • Manage external inquiries from industry / community
  • Build and support key stakeholder relationships, such as ATEED, Sport Waitakere, and ITO partnerships
    and more!

How do we serve our students?

  • Create and facilitate Industry Connect events for students (see our video below)
  • Assist in the creation of programmes that ensure work-ready graduates
  • Host a series of Grad programme presentations (see Auckland Council’s presentation below)
  • Initiate industry scholarships
  • Manage Alumni Connect and Alumni LinkedIn Groups (group links in our Hot Links to the right)
    and more!

Want to know more about what do, or how we can work with you?

Feel free to get in touch with us!



Talk to Us

You can find us in building 110-2009 (Level 2). Get in touch below or email our generic account –

Vivienne Merito

Director – Marketing and Communications, Director – Industry Partnerships.

Ext: 7177


Shani Sauerman

Senior Industry Partner

Ext: 7144


Kit Yim

Industry Event Coordinator


Hot Links

Got an Alumni success story worth sharing?

Share it with us here!


Record of Industry Engagement Forms:

Connect with your Alumni on LinkedIn:

Explore the Unitec Alumni LinkedIn Groups, and start connecting with your Alumni today!


Guideline Documents:



Last update: 21/3/2023