Performance Partnering

Performance Partnering is Unitec’s process for developing and reviewing performance.

It ensures everyone can see how the work they do makes an important contribution to the achievement of Our Unitec Purpose:

Led by Te Noho Kotahitanga we manaaki the success of our learners and communities

Performance Partnering provides the tools to set individual goals for the year ahead, aligned to team and organisational goals – with regular check-ins about every 90 days to allow for changes in the plan as the year unfolds – and to review achievements and “close the loop” at the end of each year.

You can find everything you need to know on the Performance Partnering Portal. Click below to launch.

Links to all of the key templates and other resources are also provided below.

Inputs into Performance Partnering:


Takitahi & Action Plans

Note that things are a little different for 2023 as we transition to Te Pūkenga.  Over time, we will learn more about the strategic priorities set by Te Pūkenga and what is expected of us in terms of the alignment of our team and individual priorities – however, in the interim, we will continue to hold to our Performance Partnering process for our direction heading into 2023.  With this in mind, the ELT have extended the 2022 Unitec Takitahi & Action Plan into 2023, and the intention is that our leaders should do the same with their team Takitahi & Action Plans.

ADEP Planning

Review of Achievements

Unitec Competency Frameworks