The winners of our 2023 Excellence Awards!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Unitec | Te Pūkenga Excellence Awards to celebrate, to reflect and to spend time together. More photos coming soon!

Our winners!

Congratulations to our 2023 winners of the Unitec | Te Pūkenga Excellence Awards

Excellence in Early Career Teaching

  • Trent Barclay, Lecturer, New Zealand Certificate in Plumbing (Level 3)

Excellence in Teaching

  • Dr Joseph Aziz, Senior Lecturer, School of Healthcare
  • Katie Burton, Discipline Leader, Contemporary Dance, School of Creative Industries
  • Dr Masoud Shakiba, Lecturer and Capstone Coordinator in the School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology (SCEAT)

Excellence in Teaching – Kaupapa Māori

  • Hohepa Renata – Lecturer and Taurahere Marae
  • Wesley Verhoeff – Programme Lead in Sport, Recreation & Exercise, School of Community Studies

Excellence in Early Career Research

  • Associate Professor Kristie Cameron – School of Environmental and Animal Sciences

Excellence in Research

  • Te Pātaka Art Trail: Assoc. Prof. Leon Tan, Dr Bobby Hung, Hohepa Renata, Tanya White, Peeti Lamwilai, Becca Wood, Paul Woodruffe and Gina Ferguson

Supporting Pacific Learners Award

  • Jone Tawaketini, Senior Lecturer and Pacific Champion, School of Electrical and Applied Technology

Outstanding Contribution by a Project Team

  • By Ākonga For Ākonga Project Team: Leanne Kapoor and Monique Bell (Kaimahi), Ma’ata Ma’u, Lephi Paneha, Ta Ao Rangi, Tane Patterson, Alex George, Christopher Nansen, Rain Taylor, Luke Orbell, Lina Seiuli, Arihia Komene, Clarissa Lal and Michelle Gallagher (Ākonga, hired as casual staff contractors)
  • Master of Applied Science Development Team: Assoc. Prof. Diane Fraser, Assoc. Prof. Nigel Adams, Assoc. Prof. Mark Large, Kate Harder, Assoc. Prof. Glenn Aguilar, Assoc. Prof. Kristie Cameron, Dr Caralyn Kemp, Dr Sarah Wells, Prof. Peter de Lange, Dr Marleen Baling, Tanya White, Rokosiga Morrison, Diana Ayling and Jackie Tims

Excellence in Support

  • Dan Zhao, Student Advisor, Language Studies
  • Noel Deo, Administrator, Infrastructure Operations
  • Rosario Iguin, Academic Advisor, Te Puna Ako

Sustained outstanding contribution to Unitec

  • David Church. Resources Specialist, Metadata, Unitec Library

Te Noho Kotahitanga Team Award

  • Bridging Education: Avian McManus, Carly van Winkel, Cheryl Henderson, Clare Goodwin, Debbie Loveridge, Elaine Whitworth, German Hernandez, Karen Petana-Ioka, Lindy Carter, Helen Webber, Rae Trewartha, Robyn Gandell, Sarah Hangartner, Sarah Hardman, Sue Tulett, Susan Watene, Trisha Hanifin, Utumanu’a Poloai, Debbie Roberts, Chantal Baker, Nikolas Petrovic, Owen Ormsby, Dr Katie Bruffy
  • Māia: Camelia Pirika, Deacon Andrews, Diane Tamati, Matua Hare Paniora, Papa Hohepa Renata, Jonyne Mariu-Komene, Joy Tautuhi, Lynda Toki, Marama Haines-Te Whare, Nina Pelling, Owen Ormsby, Tamarangi Nightingale-Pene, Tanya White, Veraneeca Taiepa and Victor Grbic

Unitec Champion

  • Rhiannon McNamara


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