From left : Ibrahim Mougari, Malina Opo, Norma Hayward, Shirley Furneaux, Jireh Ngauru
Unitec | Te Pūkenga construction ākonga stepped up to help the Riding for the Disabled West Auckland branch recently by building a new animal shelter after the previous one was swept away in Cyclone Gabrielle.
The three ākonga, Ibrahim Mougari , Malina Opo, and Jireh Ngauruthe, are studying towards a New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills and building their skills constructing Kainga Ora relocatable homes on site at Unitec. They took time out from their studies to help the centre.
It was greatly appreciated by the RDA volunteers, says Unitec lecturer Angus Robertson, who were impressed by the attitude, commitment and skills shown by the ākonga.
As these ākonga approach the end of their academic journey and look towards apprenticeships in the industry, this project shows their capabilities and readiness to contribute meaningfully to their communities and future workplaces, he says.
This definitely deserves bigger awareness, this is awesome!! What a fantastic effort by these three students and their lecturer to help out this amazing organisation, well done!
Thank you to the NZCCT L3 students who helped out, including 2 of our Maori & Pacific Trades Training scholarship students (Jireh & Malina)!
As we’ve always said….”He Tangata, he tangata, he tangata”.
Kia kaha tonu! Malo le tauivi!