T​ū Mai te Tiriti | Upraising the Treaty in Tertiary Education, Tuesday 10 October, 12pm

T​ū Mai te Tiriti | Upraising the Treaty in Tertiary Education
Lunchtime seminar with Te Pūkenga kaimahi on Tuesday 10 October 2023

Tuia Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki te hinengaro o te kaiako!
Tuia Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki te hinengaro o te ākonga!
Tuia Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki te mātauranga tuatoru!
Tuia ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho! Tūi, tūi, tuituiā!’

Ako Aotearoa is excited to continue our Tuia Te Ako lunchtime seminar series ‘Tū Mai Te Tiriti | Upraising the Treaty in Tertiary Education’, hosted by Dr Joe Te Rito.

Our next free, online session on Tuesday 10 October at 12pm will feature presentations from three Māori leaders at Te Pūkenga: Paora Ammunson (Deputy Chief Executive, Tiriti Outcomes), Janine Kapa (Kaikōkiri | Director, Te Pae Tawhiti, Tiriti Outcomes) and Warwick Pitts (Kaikōkiri | Director, Learner Strategy and Experience).

The format for this session will be a 1-hour presentation followed by 30 minutes of questions and kōrero.

Register now to join the Zoom session, or you can tune in via YouTube livestream.

Check out the other upcoming sessions in this series:

We welcome everyone interested in supporting tertiary Māori teaching and learning success to join us for these topical interactive sessions. Whether you are based in workplace learning or a tertiary education organisation, you should find the presentations insightful and empowering.