Closure of Mt Albert campus ring road from Friday 22 September

We’ve been advised by the housing developers that from 6am, Friday 22 September the ring road around our Mt Albert campus will be closed.

This is to ensure the safety of our kaimahi, ākonga and the community while works take place at the southern end of the campus and around Building 76. The ring road is no longer owned by Unitec Te Pūkenga.

Road closure points are from the end of the B106 driveway entry, past the old student accommodation, to just before the back driveway to Mataaho (see map below).

Cyclists and pedestrians can still access bike and walkways, however please be careful as there are hazards with heavy construction vehicles moving and rough road and path surfaces.

Access routes: Use Gate 4 and Gate 1

To enter and exit campus, please use Gate 4 OR via Gate 1, depending on where you need to go, and note there is no thoroughfare between the two.

  • For the Marae, buildings B48, B149-B165 and B170, use via Gate 1, until Gate 3 is reopened in the new year.
  • For Te Puna and other parts of the campus, use Gate 4.

Signage will identify the closed roads and advise access points.

If you have any questions, please email:

We’ll also communicate this to our ākonga via student communication channels, including the website – please direct any enquiries from students or the community to our website.