Mental Health Awareness Week runs 18 – 24 September.
This year’s theme is Five Ways, Five Days. Our Student Success team will be promoting five ways to enhance wellbeing; Take Notice /Me Aro Tonu, Give / Tukua, Be Active / Me Kori Tonu, Connect / Me Whakawhanaunga, and Keep Learning / Me Ako Tonu.
They’re offering students a range of activations throughout the week, including:
- A free brunch offered daily from 11am, with the exception of Wednesday when the chaplaincy team are offering students free lunch.
- A gratitude tree art installation where students and staff alike are invited to record what they’re grateful for and add it to the canopy of others’ notes, like leaves on a tree.
- Mindful colouring stations, and a spin to win wheel with spot prizes available.
- A social media competition where Unitec students can win Pak’n Save vouchers by sharing posts which show how they like to utilize the Five Ways to enhance wellbeing.
Message from our Learner Outreach team: Volunteers wanted to hand out Activation packs
Kia ora koutou
Te Pūkenga has launched their brand new website Te Pae Ora, a wellbeing hub for ākonga.
As part of the launch we have a number of activation packs to distribute among students. These packs include promotional material about Te Pae Ora, as well as a Mindful Colouring card, stickers, and a Take Five spinner which prompts users with several suggestions for each of The Five Ways to Wellbeing.
I’m looking for staff who have some availability next week between 10am and 1pm to help with serving brunch from the events kitchen in Te Puna. You don’t need to stay for three hours, even just one hour would be greatly appreciated. If you’re available and interested to come help next week, please contact me: Mirabel Sygrove, Student Wellbeing Promoter.
Ngā mihi
Mirabel Sygrove