The government has removed mandatory public health requirements for Covid-19, effective 15 August. Here’s a quick summary of what this means for us:
- If you test positive for Covid-19, you are no longer legally required to self-isolate
- Masks are no longer mandatory anywhere
- For our Healthcare kaimahi and ākonga (such as Nursing students on placement), our own policies around mask wearing will apply
- Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will remain free for everyone throughout 2023
The provision of special Covid-19 leave is being discussed by Te Pūkenga Executive and a decision made in the next week or so. This leave will remain in place until that decision is made.
While the mandatory restrictions have been removed, it’s still important to take precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19 by following the latest (non-mandatory) health advice:
- Stay at home if you are feeling unwell and take a RAT if you develop Covid-19 symptoms.
- If you test positive for Covid-19, it is recommended you isolate for five days.
- If you do need to leave home during your five-day isolation period, take precautions to prevent spreading Covid-19 to others. You should wear a mask whenever you leave the house and do not visit a healthcare facility (except to access medical care), an aged residential care facility, or have contact with anyone at risk of getting seriously unwell with Covid-19.
- After completing five days isolation, if your symptoms have resolved, you can return to your normal activities.
- Mask wearing remains an important way we can prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, including Covid-19, in health and disability care settings.
- Please continue to keep your Manager informed and discuss any Covid leave requirements you may need.
Full Covid-19 health advice can be found at: Unite against COVID-19 (