Seminar for all kaimahi: National Delegations Policy & Standing Delegations Register; New Process

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The SLT invites all kaimahi across our Unitec, MIT and TechPark campuses to come along to one of these in-person seminars, to help people understand the new delegated authority processes and workflows being rolled out on 7 August.

These seminars are regarded as essential for all staff to attend, but in particular for those who sit across budget control, academic leadership, and people leaders.

The Monday seminar will be recorded and shared later in the week, for those who can’t make it in person. 

Note update: The HR information will not be presented, so has been removed from the schedule (below)

Format of each session (1hr)

FACILITATOR Martin Carroll
5 mins Welcome / Intro (Martin Carroll)
20 mins Financial Delegations (presented by Simone Fernandes)
20 mins Academic Delegations (presented by Simon Tries & Chris Park)
15 mins Q&A session / Wrap up (Martin Carroll)

If you can’t attend a Unitec hui, you’re welcome to attend at MIT – room locations will be updated soon:

Monday 31 July

12.30pm & 3.30pm

Unitec Mt Albert, Gold Lecture Theatre, B180-1003

Wednesday 2 August

11.00am & 2.30pm

Otara Campus, NR Lecture Theatre (TBC)

Tuesday 1 August

10.00 am & 11.30am, MITM Campus, Lecture Theatre, Level 1


Friday 4 August

10.00am Waitākere Campus, 510-B007

12.30pm Maritime Campus, Learning Commons, Level 1