Sign up for Mindfulness Month – July 2023

Want to feel more at ease in the now? 

Receive a free Month Done Journal with daily mindfulness prompts.

Be in to win a luxurious get away to PurePods glass eco-cabins in Otago.

We live in a busy world where everything and everyone is expecting us to be on the go, constantly, leading to chronic stress and numerous health issues. We need to take a step back, breath, and be with ourselves. Mindfulness Month can help you learn how to do that.

Mindfulness is scientifically proven to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as lower blood pressure and improve sleep. You deserve all that and more. 


Mindfulness is simply:

  • About being in the moment, observing our thoughts, our aurongo or emotions, and the world around us.
  • Finding a small moment each day to embrace the here and now.


Your mindfulness practice will look different to others’. That’s okay. We’re all different, and so too are our minds. Throughout the month, you might skip a few days, be drawn to a different practice, or even fall asleep.

The Month Done Journal

After signing up for Mindfulness Month, you’ll be sent your free Month Done Journal. This journal was designed for you. It’s to support you during Mindfulness Month, whatever that looks like. There are mindfulness prompts for every day of the month, and you can answer them by writing, drawing, painting – or even dancing. It’s fully up to you.

When you register for the month, you’ll receive a daily email with a dose of inspiration and practical mindfulness activities, brought to you by Pause Breathe Smile.