Our Student Success team has sent the below information to ākonga this week, outlining how they can apply for financial support, financial advice, help with essentials like food, transport and navigating Studylink.
Applications close next Friday 26 May.
The team is hoping to reach and support those most affected as funding is limited this time so if you know of any students affected please encourage them to apply.
Any queries please contact Annette Pitovao or the Student Support team studentsupport@unitec.ac.nz – or the International Support team internationalsupport@unitec.ac.nz for international queries.
Flooding/Cyclone impact*Please note: There is limited temporary funding available – applications will close Friday 26 May (or before, if all funding has been allocated) so fill in our form now to see what support you may be able to receive. You can also book with the team if you need some support with the form Student Financial Assistance if you are experiencing hardship*Assistance is available for transport (HOP cards, petrol vouchers), groceries (supermarket vouchers) and study related materials. We also have a food cupboard stocked with essentials. This funding is not limited to students affected by weather events like flooding. *Eligibility criteria and assessment applies and you will be required to provide evidence of financial hardship. Hot tip: You can also follow the Student Support team on Instagram @unitecsupport to stay up-to-date on how we can support you and updates from the team Studylink support*If you are still getting fee invoices and reminders – your fees may not have been paid – even if you think you have a Student Loan or are eligible for Fees Free. Did you know? You can get support from StudyLink over the phone or book an appointment with Studylink and see someone face to face at their office in Ōtara. Call them on 0800 88 99 00 for support, or to book an appointment at the Ōtara office. You can also book with a Student Support Advisor at Unitec who can assist you through the process of applying for StudyLink. *Eligibility criteria applies. ScholarshipsMost scholarships are closed for 2023. It’s still worth booking in with our Scholarships Advisor, Byron Iosia, though. There are many external scholarships that Unitec students are highly successful in. Byron can help put applications together for any scholarships you’re interested in applying for. Book in with him here. Where else can I go for help?If you need support to sort out your spending, or to pay back loans and debt, a Financial Mentor (Budget Advisor) can support with a budget and tips on how to manage your money. See here for a database of Financial Mentors around Auckland. You can also download budgeting apps for your mobile phone. If you’re looking for work to boost your income, Unitec Career and Employability Team can help with finding work, career planning and course selection. On the Sorted website you can create your own budget, find out your money personality, plan your money goals, and tackle your debt. Good Shepherd is a great place to start for help with money management and has a range of no-interest good loans (for second-hand cars, car repairs, course costs and fees & computers) up to $7,000. Their DEBTsolve programme will help you take control of your unmanageable debt, support you with debt coaching, information and advocacy. In some cases, they may be able to provide a debt solution loan of up to $15,000 interest free, to help with high-cost, unmanageable debt. Ngā Tangata Microfinance also offer loans to eligible applicants with no nasty fees and no interest! Also make sure you have the best bank account for you – a tertiary account offers no, or low bank fees, interest free overdrafts and many more advantages over standard bank accounts. See here for more information on tertiary bank accounts and how they benefit you as a student. Student Support Advisor money tips