All Unitec-Te Pūkenga kaimahi are invited to a BBQ and walk-through of the B108 construction site and renovations, hosted by our wider leadership team.
Head along to connect, kōrero and check out the impressive new spaces we recently opened. If you can’t make it, don’t despair, another event is planned for after Easter.
When: Thursday 6 April, 1.00 – 2.30pm (any time within this period)
Where: Meet outside B108 at the Construction site (see photo below).
Bring: Covered shoes. You’ll need to sign in and wear a hard hat for the tour (supplied)
What: Members of our wider leadership team will have the BBQ sizzling. Grab a sausage, have a chat with us, then join one of the tours through B108. Stay for a little or a long time.