If you notice any of the below concerns around campus, please tell someone by making a report to the teams who can respond to your request:
Health & Safety
If you notice any health and safety risks or any incidents around campus, please report these so our Health & Safety and Security teams can respond and/or plan for reducing the risk.
Use the quick link on Te Aka homepage “Report an incident/injury/near miss”
On-campus security incidents
· Our Security team is available 24 hours, seven days a week to help.
· If you experience or see an incident, please contact Security on 021 610 877 and provide as much detail as possible.
· If the incident is serious or criminal in nature, please contact 111
· After you’ve called Police, please update Security of the incident and provide Security with the Police event number.
Maintenance, cleaning or grounds issues
If you notice any maintenance issues or concerns, please raise a request. If on campus please log an FM Help request (see below for where to find the quicklink on Te Aka). If you are reporting an issue from home, send an email fmgeneral@unitec.ac.nz