eLearning Team

Our tools

The eLearning team support a range of tools at Unitec:

  • Moodle – our Learning Management System
  • Echo360 – Active Learning and Video platform
  • TurnitIn – online grade marking and originality check platform
  • MyPortfolio – personal learning environment to record and showcase evidence of learning and achievement
  • SEAtS – digitally recording attendance software

One-to-one consultations

We are available to meet with staff to discuss the appropriate use and integration of education technologies into courses and programmes.

Moodle support

We support staff in the design and pedagogical use of Moodle and in the creation of online resources to support courses.  Contact William Lu on Ext 8773 or your Te Puna Ako School Liaison.

Mobile Learning

We are able to work with staff to explore options for incorporating mobile learning technologies into courses.  From smartphones to iPads to netbooks… we run projects in partnership with academic staff.

Communities of Practice

We facilitate several communities of practice including several that focus on investigating the integration of educational technology within courses.


We offer a range of badges for staff to up-skill in the use of education technologies.


We are actively researching various aspects of the use of technology in learning and teaching and welcome collaborative projects with academic staff to deepen our understanding.

Te Puna Ako eLearning Team

William Lu
ext 8773
Moodle Support
Echo360 Bookings
Malcolm Hay
ext 8346
Moodle Engineer
Lisa Simperingham
ext 8910